workout of the day
07.03.19 No 6:30pm Class
7mins AMRAP
Reverse Sled Drag 25m
5 Strict or Kip HSPU
Sled Push 25m
10 Kettlebell 2-arm Deadlifts
rest 3mins
7mins AMRAP
Assault Bike 15/12 Cals
12 Alternating Pistols (bodyweight)
9 push ups
*Sub Prisoner Box Step Up for Pistols today if needed
Warm Up
2 rounds:
100m run
10 single leg RDLs each side
5/side hip flexor kicks
5/side spiderman lunges
5 sumo inchworms
Primer: Bulgarian Split squats
3 sets of 10 reps each side- no weight
7mins AMRAP
Reverse Sled Drag 25m
5 Strict or Kip HSPU
Sled Push 25m
10 Kettlebell 2-arm Deadlifts
rest 3mins
7mins AMRAP
Assault Bike 15/12 Cals
12 Alternating Pistols (bodyweight)
9 push ups
*Sub Prisoner Box Step Up for Pistols today if needed