workout of the day
sprint then jog
6 rounds
25m sled push - weight of sled close to body weight
7 x wreck bag clean + lunge right + lunge left
5 x burpee over the wreck bag
Jog 400m
*each round should be 100% effort with your active recovery as the 400m jog*
**record each round**
Warm Up
2 sets
100 single unders
12 landmine single arm upright row/side https://youtu.be/8GBibrvgQEo
12 landmine meadow row/side https://youtu.be/e-c4gMcqdyw
12 goblet landmine row https://youtu.be/fzDlB_l0QYA
2 sets
A. banded Ws x 15 reps
B. banded external rotation and press x 10/side
C. full can exercise x 20 reps- use lighter DBs
D. full can with one arm holding the extended position while the other arm moves up & down x 10/arm
2:43 is the banded W
4:21 full can
9:00 external rotation
Strength- upper body skill work
3 rounds- alternating
30 second handstand hold against the wall
6 reps of box HSPU- try 20/24 or 30" box
2 sets on each side
KB Complex =
3 Turkish Sit Ups
3 Z Press
*get up to kneeling
3 Kneeling Presses
*get up to feet
3 Standing Press
*back down
sprint then jog
6 rounds
25m sled push - weight of sled close to body weight
7 x wreck bag clean + lunge right + lunge left
5 x burpee over the wreck bag
Jog 400m
*each round should be 100% effort with your active recovery as the 400m jog*
**record each round**
AMRAP 30:00
long grind type workout
Row 250m/200m
5 tire flips
10 sandbag ground to shoulder 70/50 50/35
15 sandbag squats
20 v-ups/tuck ups
150m farmer carry 53/35
Run 100m
10 Single Leg Cone Touches/leg
10 Goblet Squats Light
RNT Reverse Lunges https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAK6wqGxoss
Goblet Loaded 4-5 reps each leg for 4 sets
KB Complex
2 sets each side
5 1-arm KB Sit Up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_i73jABXXtk
5 Single Arm KB Z Press https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcUg776Cr2Q
Thera-band shoulder warm up: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bjskn7-hklm
1. The first works external rotation strength and stability in an exercise called “The W.” Hold for 5-10” in the outermost position. 5 reps for :05 hold
2. Next perform a band pull apart keeping your elbows straight and squeezing your shoulder blades together as your arms move out to the side. 10 reps
3. Diagonal pulls in each direction should follow before moving to shoulder circles. This is a classic mobility move with an added stability twist due to the tension from the band. 10 reps each side
4. Shoulder circles. 10 reps
AMRAP 30:00
long grind type workout
Row 250m/200m
5 tire flips
10 sandbag ground to shoulder 70/50 50/35
15 sandbag squats
20 v-ups/tuck ups
150m farmer carry 53/35