workout of the day
10.16.2021 Partner WOD
"Would you?"
with a partner
13:00 AMRAP
"You go, I go"
9 power snatch 95/65 75/55
8 KB goblet box step ups 53/35
7 TTB or hanging knee raises
Rest 3:00
6 rounds for time
Run 200m
10 KB swings 53/35
5 pull ups
Warm Up
2 rounds
200m run
10 single leg RDL with light weight- 5 each side
10 half kneeling KB single arm press- 5 each side
10 stagger stance good mornings with empty barbell
Part One: shoulders and rotator cuff https://www.instagram.com/p/BtogGGPnJbN/
1. Isometric ER with yelllow mini-band x 3 sets of 10 sec hold
2. Mini-band press x 10 reps
3. Mini-band ER x 10 reps
4. Pulsing ER with OH reach x 10 reps
5. Overhead ER x 10 reps
Part Two: Low back stretches https://www.instagram.com/p/Bj8VXjtn-7d/
Do 10 reps of each stretch
1- Rock backs
2- Quadruped lifts
3- Down dog rockers
4- Dead bugs
5- Cat Camel
"Would you?"
with a partner
13:00 AMRAP
"You go, I go"
9 power snatch 95/65 75/55
8 KB goblet box step ups 53/35
7 TTB or hanging knee raises
Rest 3:00
6 rounds for time
Run 200m
10 KB swings 53/35
5 pull ups
"King of the Castle"
AMRAP 12:00
Continue To Add 5 Reps Of Each Movement
KB Swings
KB Goblet Squats
*Fifty Feet KB Overhead Carry Following Each Round
**Overhead KB Carry Does Not Count For Reps
Kettlebell Recommendations
Advanced 53/35
Intermediate 35/26
Scaled 26/18
Scoring: Reps
Warm Up
2 rounds
▪️100 feet Single Arm Overhead DB Carry- keep elbows locked out and lats and scaps pulled down
▪️100 feet Cross Walk- keep these light with lats and scaps pulled down and elbows straight
▪️15 reps Banded Lat Pull Downs with 10 sec squeeze on last rep- aim for full range of motion reps with all focus on using the lats to pull the PVC to your hips. Keep shoulders pressed down and arms straight.
▪️15 reps Bent Over Flyes- keep these light enough to keep shoulders pressed down for the entire set
▪️10 reps/side Bird Dogs- focus on hitting a hollow position when extending the arms and legs (posterior pelvic tilt) and keep core braced. I like to hold the last rep for 10 sec and squeeze the hollow position as hard as I can
6 sets of the complex below- start at 50% push press and build load with good form
2 reps push press + 1 rep split jerk
"King of the Castle"
AMRAP 12:00
Continue To Add 5 Reps Of Each Movement
KB Swings
KB Goblet Squats
*Fifty Feet KB Overhead Carry Following Each Round
**Overhead KB Carry Does Not Count For Reps
Kettlebell Recommendations
Advanced 53/35
Intermediate 35/26
Scaled 26/18
Scoring: Reps
Core Finisher https://www.instagram.com/p/CKm-rMVsnx9/
Use two KBs lighter in weight
2-3 rounds
10 dual KB Turkish sit ups
20 seconds dual KB hollow flutter kicks
10 dual KB candlestick lift & lower
WOD- heavy wod which should be slowed down to grind it out.
50' sled rope pull - add 3 plates to little sleds (the rope is 10 feet long)
6 KB goblet squats
25 KB swings- Russian
150' (5 sections of concrete out and back) single arm KB farmer carry- 75 feet each arm
*KB weight RX 70/53, scaled 53,35
Warm Up
Dynamic Warm Up: https://www.instagram.com/p/BlmWiCZHGXG
1. Knee to chest
2. Groiners
3. Walking quads
4. Single leg deadlift
5. Greatest stretch alive (spiderman + reach)
6. Hamstrings
7. Number 4- glute and hips
8. Inchworm no push up
9. Curtsy lunge
Hip flexor kicks 5 sets of 3-5 reps/side https://www.instagram.com/p/BwkLxo5gyDQ/
Healthy shoulder: https://www.instagram.com/p/BwV9ddSFrhI/
1. KB windmill x 8/side
2. Single arm T-spine opener on roller x 8/side
Primer: 3 rounds:
Cossack squats x 4/side
Behind the neck strict press- empty bar x 4
Skill: snatch
4 sets of:
Snatch balance + OHS
Build to a heavier complex but make sure that you remain fast with the snatch balance. Focus on punching under the bar as quickly as possible and receiving the bar as low as possible.
8:00 EMOM
2 x hang snatch @ 70-75%
WOD- heavy wod which should be slowed down to grind it out.
50' sled rope pull - add 3 plates to little sleds (the rope is 10 feet long)
6 KB goblet squats
25 KB swings- Russian
150' (5 sections of concrete out and back) single arm KB farmer carry- 75 feet each arm
*KB weight RX 70/53, scaled 53,35