workout of the day
"Real Quick"
push press right arm/ left arm
hang power clean right/left
hang power snatch right/left
complete all reps on the right arm and then all reps on the left arm
try to not set the DB down!!
Warm Up
10:00 continuous movement
Push Up Shoulder Tap: x 10 https://vimeo.com/130766386
Standing Pass Through with PVC: x 10
Sumo Inchworm: x 10
Yoga Push Up: x 10 https://vimeo.com/130766563
Mobility: Hip stretcheshttps://www.instagram.com/p/BqmwLivA1Bi/
perform each one of these for 30 seconds per side
1. hip flexor with PVC push
2. supine hip ext. rotation
3. 90/90 hip switches
4. butterfly stretch
5. Cossack stretch
Strength: 5 sets
A. deadlift x 6 reps @2020 @65%
B. dual KB rack split squats x 6/side @20X1
"Real Quick"- dumbbell wod
3-6-9-12-15 reps
push press right arm/ left arm
hang power clean right/left
hang power snatch right/left
complete all reps on the right arm and then all reps on the left arm
try to not set the DB down!!
Post WOD
Core strength: https://www.instagram.com/p/BrYOskola6p/
5 Sets
15sec KB Hollow Hold
15sec Up and Overs
15sec Plank March Taps
rest 30sec