workout of the day
WOD: Filly wod
5 Sets
A1. Dumbbell Cyclist Squats x 8-10reps; 2sec lowering
rest 30sec
A2. Dual KB Rack Wall Sit; 30-40sec hold
rest 30sec
A3. Skater Squat; 6-8/leg
rest 30sec
3 sets of
yoga push ups x 8 reps
prone floor angels x 8 reps
scap push ups x 8 reps
side plank rotations x 8/side
WOD: Filly wod
5 Sets
A1. Dumbbell Cyclist Squats x 8-10reps; 2sec lowering
rest 30sec
A2. Dual KB Rack Wall Sit; 30-40sec hold
rest 30sec
A3. Skater Squat; 6-8/leg
rest 30sec
feet handstand walk or quadruped crawl or gymnastics bear walk
10 V-ups or tuck up after each set of walks (so that's 100 v-ups)
rest as needed