workout of the day
03.14.2020 Bring A Friend Day- partner wod
Bring A Friend Day
Make up Strength/Skill
WOD: Partners
5 rounds each person- relay style
*one works through entire round while the other holds
15 KB sumo deadlifts 70/53
10 slam balls 30/20
5 goblet squats 53/35
*hold per round:
a. squat hold
b. plank hold
c. wall sit
d. hollow hold
e. handstand hold
Bring A Friend Day
Make up Strength/Skill
WOD: Partners
5 rounds each person- relay style
*one works through entire round while the other holds
15 KB sumo deadlifts 70/53
10 slam balls 30/20
5 goblet squats 53/35
*hold per round:
a. squat hold
b. plank hold
c. wall sit
d. hollow hold
e. handstand hold