workout of the day
"Optimus Prime"- CompTrain benchmark wod
7:00 AMRAP
wall balls 20/14
every 1:00 starting at 1:00 - 5 deadlifts 225/155
Wendler week 1 round 2
Back Squats
5 reps @ 65%
5 reps @ 75%
5+ reps @85%
this week we add 2-5lbs. to our max lift numbers
Accessories- 3 sets- super set
A. weighted box step ups x 7 each side
B. bird dog rows x 7 each side
"Optimus Prime"- CompTrain benchmark wod
7:00 AMRAP
wall balls 20/14
every 1:00 starting at 1:00 - 5 deadlifts 225/155