workout of the day
12.10.2022 Partner WOD
Part One
Incredible Hulk with a partner
"You go, I go"
20:00 AMRAP
5 deadlifts
5 hang power cleans
5 front squats
5 push press
5 back squats
you complete the entire round before tagging off
Recommended Weights
115/85 95/65 75/55
Part Two
at 20:00 on the clock, partners have 5:00 to complete as many reps as possible
bar muscle ups
chest to bar pull ups
pull ups
*you pick which movement your team wants to complete. It's one work, one rest.
**record the rounds + reps for part one and the reps for part two
Warm Up
Bike/Row 3:00
3 sets
3 hang muscle cleans
3 front squats
3 push press
3 x burpee + 2 broad jumps
*start with empty bar and only go light loads thereafter
Part One
Incredible Hulk with a partner
"You go, I go"
20:00 AMRAP
5 deadlifts
5 hang power cleans
5 front squats
5 push press
5 back squats
you complete the entire round before tagging off
Recommended Weights
115/85 95/65 75/55
Part Two
at 20:00 on the clock, partners have 5:00 to complete as many reps as possible
bar muscle ups
chest to bar pull ups
pull ups
*you pick which movement your team wants to complete. It's one work, one rest.
**record the rounds + reps for part one and the reps for part two
06.18.2022 Partner WOD
"Care Bear"
with a partner
Buy In: row or bike 40 cals
40 rounds
Bear Complex 135/95 115/75 95/65
complete 40 cals after every 10 rounds
Bear Complex
power clean
front squat
push press
back squat
push press
Warm Up
Dynamic led by coach
Tangletown CrossFit (@tangletowncrossfit) • Instagram photos and videos
Tangletown CrossFit (@tangletowncrossfit) • Instagram photos and videos
10 reps of each or 10-15 second hold
1. arm circles forward and back
2. arm horizontal swings
4. around the world- arms crossed in front of body, feet together
5. alternating side bends
6.standing straddle- stretch to one foot, then the other
7. standing straddle - hands grabbing feet
8. feet together squat hold
9. standing forward fold hold
10. down dog
11. up dog
2nd video
1. world's greatest stretch
2. quad stretch
3. hamstring stretch + ankle work
4. modified pigeon stretch
repeat on the other side
"Care Bear"
with a partner
Buy In: row or bike 40 cals
40 rounds
Bear Complex 135/95 115/75 95/65
complete 40 cals after every 10 rounds
Bear Complex
power clean
front squat
push press
back squat
push press
11.21.2020 Partner WOD
Partner Up
30:00 total for workout
Buy In 100 cal row or bike
30 hang power cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65
30 pull ups - sub banded lat pull downs
20 squat cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65
20 C2B pull ups- sub ring rows
10 clean & jerks 135/95 115/75 95/65
10 bar muscle ups -sub strict banded pull ups
Warm Up
3 rounds
1:00 bike or row - alternate with your partner
3 perfect stretch each side
3 inchworms
3 Russian baby makers
30 seconds deep squat progressions
Partner Up
30:00 total for workout
Buy In 100 cal row or bike
30 hang power cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65
30 pull ups - sub banded lat pull downs
20 squat cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65
20 C2B pull ups- sub ring rows
10 clean & jerks 135/95 115/75 95/65
10 bar muscle ups -sub strict banded pull ups
10.03.2020 Partner WOD
"Awfully Chipper"
Partner workout
24:00 time cap
2 rounds
100 DUs
50 single arm DB S2OH
50 TTB
50 alternating DB snatch
50 C2B pull ups
50 goblet step ups
100 DUs
RX 50/35 24/20" box
Int 35/20 24/20"
Sc 25/10 20/16"
Warm up
2 rounds
Run 100m
10 spiderman lunges (5/side)
10 Cossack squats (5/side)
5 yoga push ups
Mobility: https://www.instagram.com/p/BxQoUvAl1VT/
10/side tall plank groiners
10/side quadruped alternating straight leg groiners
10/side tall plank alternating pigeons
10/side straight leg abduction reaches
10/side alternating straight leg lowers 10/side supine 90/90 hip switches
"Awfully Chipper"
Partner workout
24:00 time cap
2 rounds
100 DUs
50 single arm DB S2OH
50 TTB
50 alternating DB snatch
50 C2B pull ups
50 goblet step ups
100 DUs
RX 50/35 24/20" box
Int 35/20 24/20"
Sc 25/10 20/16"
TTB scale to hanging knee raises or KB banded TTB drill
C2B pull ups scale to banded pull ups or ring rows