workout of the day
"Legs for Days"
Squat/lunge complex complete the following unbroken for quality:
Right leg forward lunge
Left leg forward lunge
Right leg lateral lunge
Left leg lateral lunge
Right leg reverse lunge
Left leg reverse lunge
Rest 1 min x 10 rounds holding a DB/KB or weighted bag or other weighted object
3 rounds:
10 pistols (5/side) or touchdown squats
5 left leg Romanian DL
5 right leg Romanian DL
Warm Up
2 rounds10 skaters
5 push ups with a stop at the bottom and do a prone W raise with the arms
5 burpee to a sumo squat jump
10 1 1/4 cyclist squats
Super Set
3 sets
8 sumo stance good mornings
8 Turkish sit ups
"Legs for Days"
Squat/lunge complex complete the following unbroken for quality:
Right leg forward lunge
Left leg forward lunge
Right leg lateral lunge
Left leg lateral lunge
Right leg reverse lunge
Left leg reverse lunge
Rest 1 min x 10 rounds holding a DB/KB or weighted bag or other weighted object
3 rounds:
10 pistols (5/side) or touchdown squats
5 left leg Romanian DL
5 right leg Romanian DL
For the Deadlifts hold DB/KB in each hand or barbell - if no equipment fill 2 shopping bags with books/weight so they’re even and hold one in each hand
03.25.2020 Murph Training
For Time
1 mile run
200 air squats
1 mile run
100 air squats
scaled version (since most of us haven't been running)
800m run
100 air squats
400m run
50 air squats
2 rounds
half kneeling DB single arm press x 8/side
20 frog pumps
50 feet shuffle each side
50 feet skipping for height
50 feet skipping for distance
single arm DB high pulls x 8/side
2 rounds
yoga push ups x 5
shoulder taps x 10
Cuban press with stick or dowel or PVC x 10
wall slides x 10
Skill: RDLs
3 sets of single side RDL x 10/side using whatever load you have
For Time
1 mile run
200 air squats
1 mile run
100 air squats
scaled version (since most of us haven't been running)
800m run
100 air squats
400m run
50 air squats