workout of the day
In a 2:00 window complete
9 power cleans 115/85 95/65 65/45
9 front squats 115/85 95/65 65/45
9 push jerks 115/85 95/65 65/45
In the remaining time max reps C2B pull ups/pull ups/ ring rows
Rest 30 seconds
In a 2:00 window complete
7 power cleans 135/95 115/85 75/55
7 front squats
7 push jerks
In the remaining time max reps C2B pull ups/pull ups/ ring rows
Rest 30 seconds
In a 2:00 window complete
5 power cleans 155/105 135/95 95/65
5 front squats
5 push jerks
In the remaining time max reps C2B pull ups/pull ups/ ring rows
Rest 30 seconds
In a 2:00 window complete
3 power cleans 175/125 165/115 115/85
3 front squats
3 push jerks
In the remaining time max reps C2B pull ups/pull ups/ring rows
*Record for score the max reps of your gymnastics movement
Warm Up
2 sets of
Run/Row/Bike 200m
10 goblet curtsy squats
6 half kneeling single arm KB press/arm
Skill: 3 sets of
A. Bulgarian split squats x 10 reps each side- no weight
B. RNT (Reactive Neuromuscular Training) split squat x 6-8 each side
start with no weight and try to build light DB load each hand
**RNT exercises are used to fix knee cave. The use of a band that pulls the body into a bad position, basically feeding the problem, which causes the body to learn how to correct for the problem by turning the lateral glutes on at the right time to keep the knees in line with the foot
C. Single arm OH carry 50'/side
Clean Primer:
4 sets of the complex at 35%of 1RM power clean
1 clean pull
3 tall cleans
1 power clean
1 push jerk
In a 2:00 window complete
9 power cleans 115/85 95/65 65/45
9 front squats 115/85 95/65 65/45
9 push jerks 115/85 95/65 65/45
In the remaining time max reps C2B pull ups/pull ups/ ring rows
Rest 30 seconds
In a 2:00 window complete
7 power cleans 135/95 115/85 75/55
7 front squats
7 push jerks
In the remaining time max reps C2B pull ups/pull ups/ ring rows
Rest 30 seconds
In a 2:00 window complete
5 power cleans 155/105 135/95 95/65
5 front squats
5 push jerks
In the remaining time max reps C2B pull ups/pull ups/ ring rows
Rest 30 seconds
In a 2:00 window complete
3 power cleans 175/125 165/115 115/85
3 front squats
3 push jerks
In the remaining time max reps C2B pull ups/pull ups/ring rows
*Record for score the max reps of your gymnastics movement
Gymnastics Conditioning IF TIME
4 rounds with 30 seconds rest in between rounds
5 cartwheels
10 second hollow hold
20 shoulder taps- 10 each side
Mobility Challenge 9/22-9/29
1:00 each side supine twist
1:00 down dog
3:00 seated straddle
3:00 child's pose
1:00 each side dragon pose
1min= 1 rep
Warm Up:4 rounds- increase pace on the run each round
Run 200m 10 curtsy squats 6 single arm KB press/arm
Primer: 9:00 every :90 alternate between:
Station 1: RNT (Reactive Neuromuscular Training) split squat 4 sets of 6-8 reps start with no weight and try to build light DB load each hand
**RNT exercises are used to fix knee cave. The use of a band that pulls the body into a bad position, basically feeding the problem, which causes the body to learn how to correct for the problem by turning the lateral glutes on at the right time to keep the knees in line with the foot
Station 2: hollow body hold :15 on/ :15 off for 2 sets or toes to rings- slowly x 8 reps
Skill: halting clean deadlift + full clean ** halting clean deadlift is intended to train and reinforce positional awareness and stability, not speed. The lifter pauses for :03 at the mid-hang position and then returns to the floor at a controlled speed. Then lifter performs a clean with no pause, but keeps the lift from the floor to mid-thigh slow to ensure correct positions, balance and timing.
10:00 EMOM 1 rep halting clean DL + 1 rep clean
set 1-2 @ 70% set 3-4 @ 75% set 5-6 @ 80% set 7-8 @ 85% set 9-10 @ 90%
WOD 21 Turkish sit ups- KB in each hand, weight stays overhead the entire sit up, legs extended
21 MB cleans 20/14
21 Turkish sit ups