workout of the day

Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


15:00 AMRAP
5 sandbag squats  150/100/70
6 burpee box get overs 48/40"
200m run

Toes to bar skills- follow the steps below after watching the video

  • kip shape drill- hanging on the bar with legs against the box- press into a hollow and then arch position.  Push down on the bar. x 5 reps

  • kip shape drill with a band x 5-8 reps 

  • kip swings x 5 reps- no assistance 

  • knee raise drill from box x 10 reps

  • toes to PVC pipe for targe

Key Points:
1. Pull into hollow as hips hinge into pike
2.  Pull down on bar through entire skill to create tension
3.  Palms press down on rig, lats fully engaged
4.  Neutral head
5.  Drive heels down and back fast to repeat next rep

15:00 AMRAP
5 sandbag squats  150/100/70
6 burpee box get overs 48/40"
200m run

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