workout of the day
thrusters 95/65
pull ups
Warm Up
Thoracic flow
10 Yoga Push-Ups
10 Under Switch to Single Arm Bridge
10 Alt Squat and Reach
10 Alt Perfect Stretch
10 Prone swimmers
Hip flow
4 reps each movement
1. 90/90 hip switches
2. straight leg swings/side
3. deep squat thoracic rotations
4. deep squat internal knee rotations
5. deep squat internal knee rotation to a sit back on the heel with a flat foot
Every 90 seconds for 5 sets
1 front squat @ 85%
thrusters 95/65
pull ups
Accessory Set
2-3 times
10 deadbugs
10/side Turkish sit ups
side plank x 30 seconds/side
A. tall jerks 3 sets of 5 reps
B. jerk balance 3 sets of 5 reps
C. every 2:30 for 6 sets
pause clean + clean + jerk @ 75%
Warm Up
2 sets
5 ring rows
10 barbell good mornings
25 feet spiderman lunges
20 glute bridges
20 banded lat pull downs
Primer https://www.instagram.com/p/CcGFnsZA2Zu/
A. 10 Cossack squats (5/side)
B. 10 each side x 90/90 hip switches
C. 30 second active frog pose
D. 30 seconds bottom of the squat transfer
5:00 EMOM
front squat x 1 rep @80%
A. tall jerks 3 sets of 5 reps
B. jerk balance 3 sets of 5 reps
C. every 2:30 for 6 sets
pause clean + clean + jerk @ 75%
3 sets
5 Turkish sit ups right side
1 Turkish get up right side
100 feet OH carry right side
repeat on left side
*challenging weight and increase load per round
5 rounds
2:00 AMRAP
20 cals bike
max reps air squat with vest or plate
Rest 2:00
Warm Up
2 sets
5 ring rows
10 barbell good mornings
25 feet spiderman lunges
20 glute bridges
20 banded lat pull downs
hip thrusts
3 sets of 5-6 reps @ 90% your DL max
AT Home- DB single side hip thrusts 5-6 reps each side
between sets complete one round
5 Turkish sit ups right side
1 Turkish get up right side
100 feet OH carry right side
repeat on left side
*challenging weight and increase load per round
5 rounds
2:00 AMRAP
20 cals bike
max reps air squat with vest or plate
Rest 2:00
"Rest in Peace"
E2MOM - as long as possible
2 rounds
3 thrusters 95/65
add one rep each round until you can't complete full rounds before time
Warm up
2 rounds
Run 200m
10 prone PVC lift offs
5 prone swimmers
2 rounds
5-10 push ups
30 second handstand hold against wall
Wrist Warm up
1️⃣ Wrist Ups (from knees):
keep fingers on ground (palms/thumbs come off ground).
Elbows stay locked.
Consistent pace on both upward and downward action
(10 reps x 1 round)
2️⃣ Wrist Rolls (10 reps)
3️⃣Plank Wrist Ups w/ Shift:
shift weight from shoulders and lift opposing palms/thumbs off ground. Controlled pace throughout
(5 reps each side x 2 rounds)
4️⃣Wrist Rolls (10 reps)
5️⃣Extended Arm Stretch:
Palm forward:
peel fingers back slowly while keeping elbow locked out.
Stretch wrist and forearms as much as possible.
(10 sec hold each side)
Palm down:
push down on back of hand while keeping elbow locked out.
Use light pressure and build according to what you can handle
(10 sec hold each side)
6️⃣Forearm “Massage”:
lay forearm on ground and use knee to massage forearm.
Use light pressure at first as it can be uncomfortable if not used to it.
(10 sec each side x 2 rounds)
"Rest in Peace"
E2MOM - as long as possible
2 rounds
3 thrusters 95/65
add one rep each round until you can't complete full rounds before time
Post WOD
2 sets
25 banded lat pull downs
10 weight plate front raises
10 each side weight plate halos
Still have time...
3 sets
Turkish sit ups x 30 seconds
rest 30 seconds
hollow hold flutter kicks x 30 seconds
rest 30 seconds
"On Fire"
3 sets
sandbag squats x max reps (goal is around 20 reps)
sled drag x 50m
rest 2:00
Warm Up
2 sets
50 single unders
prone glute leg lifts x max effort https://www.instagram.com/p/CKefsyXhEVv/
15/side elevated single leg glute bridge/leg on parallette https://www.instagram.com/p/CKZqbCVFxJC/
10 alternating concentric only pistol squats to parallette
2 rounds
cross walk with light DBs x 30 seconds- 2 light DBs held to your side in a Cross Position
banded lat pull downs with a 5 second pause at the hips x 10
bird dogs x 10/side with a 10 second pause at the last rep
A. 5 sets of 3 reps deadlift @ 80%
B. 3 sets of 10 reps goblet 1.5 squats
C. 4 sets of 8 reps Turkish sit ups
"On Fire"
3 sets
sandbag squats x max reps (goal is around 20 reps)
sled drag x 50m
rest 2:00
2 rounds *record splits
40 alternating DB snatch 50/35 35/30
30 pull ups or banded pull ups
20 single arm devil's press
10 TTB
5 wall walks
Rest 5:00
Warm up
5 x half kneeling lift and chop
1 x DB complex starting in a plank position: row right side + push up + row left side + push up, 2 x power clean, 3 x single arm push press/side (add load each round)
Hollow body flutter kicks x 10
3 rounds
A. barbell hip thrusts x 12 reps at a lighter load for good positioning. https://www.instagram.com/p/BumouKIlpz9/The goal with this exercise is to get the posterior chain (glutes, hamstrings) to extend the hip, not the lower back. Get the ribs down to establish neutral core positioning.
B. Turkish sit ups x 10 reps- hold KB/DB in each hand - extended overhead the entire sit up
C. Isometric hold of your choosing x 30 seconds -squat hold, handstand hold, lunge hold, dip hold...
2 rounds *record splits
40 alternating DB snatch 50/35 35/30
30 pull ups or banded pull ups
20 single arm devil's press
10 TTB
5 wall walks
Rest 5:00