workout of the day
Warm Up:300m row or bike 5 strict press 5 push press 3 split jerk 10 reps Cossack squats
200m row or bike
5 muscle cleans 5 tall cleans 3 power clean 10 spiderman lunges + reach
Mobility: Wrist stretches x :30 each position Couch stretch x 1:00 each side Foam roll thoracic and lats x 2-3:00
Barbell Warm up:
5 clean grip RDLs 5 clean high pulls 5 muscle cleans 5 front squats 5 clean grip push press 5 tall cleans 5 hang power cleans 5 cleans below the knee
WOD Clean complex- build to heaviest load in 8 sets Each complex should be unbroken Power clean Push jerk Front squat Hang power clean Split jerk
Post wod: abs On a running clock for 3:00 start at 0:00- 0:10 1 tuck up + 1 v-ups + hold hollow position :10-:20
repeat complex :20-:30
repeat complex :30-:60
12.12.17 'Jackie'
Warm Up:Dynamic warm up of lengths of 1. walking lunges with arms overhead- forward and reverse lunges 2. figure 4 squat- ankle over the knee and squat down. take a step forward and repeat 3. Cossack lunge 4. inchworm with a hollow position and push up 5. walk on toes/ walk on heels 6. shuffle 7. skip 8. leg swings
Mobility for squats banded hip flexor stretch x :60 each side banded dead bug hold x 1:00 - put mini-band around the knee banded clam shell hold x :40 each side banded monster walks x 16 steps each direction banded lateral walks x 16 steps each direction
Skill: Back squats 5 reps @ 65% 3 reps @75% 1 rep @ 80% then... 6:00 E2M 2 reps back squat @ 80-85%
WOD 'Jackie' For Time 1000m row 50 reps thrusters 45/35 30 reps pull ups
Post WOD: abs :15 hollow hold 15 abmat sit ups :10 hollow hold Rest :40 Complete 3 rounds