workout of the day
2 rounds for time
30 abmat sit ups
20 wall balls 20/14
10 power snatch 115/75 95/65 75/55
Snatch warm up
3 reps of each-empty barbell
1. slow overhead squats
2. sots press to stand
3. press to squat
4. extension to pull under
5. upper cut drill
6. power snatch from the pockets
Snatch Complex
Take 10:00 to build to a heavy complex of
snatch + hang snatch + overhead squat
pick one of the three movements and complete a 4:00 EMOM
3 reps of your movement at 60% of today's heavy complex load
2 rounds for time
30 abmat sit ups
20 wall balls 20/14
10 power snatch 115/75 95/65 75/55
"Let Her Fly"
16:00 EMOM
min 1- 13/10 cals bike
min 2- 3 bar facing burpees + 3 squat cleans @50-60% + 3 bar facing burpees
min 3- 12 abmat sit ups + 5 push ups
min 4- rest
Back squat waves- EMOM
3 reps @ 65%
2 reps @ 70&
1 rep @ 75%
3 reps @ 70%
2 reps @ 75%
1 rep @ 80%
3 reps @75%
2 reps @ 80%
1 rep @ 85%
"Let Her Fly"
16:00 EMOM
min 1- 13/10 cals bike
min 2- 3 bar facing burpees + 3 squat cleans @50-60% + 3 bar facing burpees
min 3- 12 abmat sit ups + 5 push ups
min 4- rest
09.23.2023 Partner WOD
"Dumbbell Inferno"
With a partner complete as many reps as possible in 30 minutes
100' Front Rack Dumbbell Walking Lunge
90 AbMat Sit Ups
80 Dumbbell Deadlifts
70 Push Ups
60 Dumbbell Hang Power Clean
50 Pull Ups
40 Dumbbell Front Squats
30 Toes to Bar
20 Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead
10 Synchronized Burpees
"Dumbbell Inferno"
With a partner complete as many reps as possible in 30 minutes
100' Front Rack Dumbbell Walking Lunge
90 AbMat Sit Ups
80 Dumbbell Deadlifts
70 Push Ups
60 Dumbbell Hang Power Clean
50 Pull Ups
40 Dumbbell Front Squats
30 Toes to Bar
20 Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead
10 Synchronized Burpees
rope climbs
20 abmat sit ups
400m run
Push Press
6 sets of 3 reps starting at 65% and building
Primer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xu6aCF7nyOA
Rope Climb skills
1. foot position- you can practice this while sitting on a box
2. jumping to the rope- jump and grab with straight arms, hang tall and then knee raise. Have a subtle lean back coming from pushing straight arms down. Scoop the feet in towards the butt.
3. rope on the pull up bar- practice getting your feet on the rope and taking that first pull
rope climbs
20 abmat sit ups
400m run
"Third Place"
7:00 AMRAP
8 push press 135/95
10 deadlifts 135/95
12 abmat sit ups
8 sets of 2reps @ 80%+
5 push ups between sets
2 sets of 8 reps deadstop deadlifts
(no %, go by feel)
"Third Place"
7:00 AMRAP
8 push press 135/95
10 deadlifts 135/95
12 abmat sit ups
"Sitting Around"
For Time
40 abmat sit ups
40 wall balls 20/14
40 double unders or 80 singles
30 abmat sit ups
30 wall balls
30 DUs or 60 singles
20 abmat sit ups
20 wall balls
20 DUs or 40 singles
Warm Up
2 sets
300m row
prone PVC pass thrus x 10 reps
prone PVC press behind the neck x 10 reps
PVC overhead squats x 10 reps
PVC sots press x 10 reps
Mobility https://www.instagram.com/p/CdbFHUIAKJW/2 sets
8-10 Windmills to each side
20-30 sec Single Arm Overhead DB Carry
8-10 Supine Press Roll to Side
A. 5 sets of hang snatch x 1 rep @ 75-78%
B. 3 sets of snatch pulls x 2 reps @90+%
"Sitting Around"
For Time
40 abmat sit ups
40 wall balls 20/14
40 double unders or 80 singles
30 abmat sit ups
30 wall balls
30 DUs or 60 singles
20 abmat sit ups
20 wall balls
20 DUs or 40 singles
"Oh My Core"
For Time
2 rounds
50 abmat sit ups
50 TTB or hanging knee raises
rest 3:00
Warm Up
Cardio 3:00
3 sets
10 each side single leg deadlifts
20-30 second hollow hold
60 seconds suitcase carry- heavy (30 seconds each side)
Accessory Set
3 rounds
A. DB rows x 8/side
B. barbell bicep curls x 15
C. banded tricep extensions x 15
"Oh My Core"
For Time
2 rounds
50 abmat sit ups
50 TTB or hanging knee raises
rest 3:00