workout of the day
"Dead Cindy"
5 rounds for time
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 air squat
5-4-3-2-1 by round increasing loads starting at 65%
Warm Up
3 rounds
Run 200m
5 sumo inchworms + push up
15 banded lat pull downs each side
5 empty barbell Kang squats
staggered stance deadlifts https://youtu.be/y1g9xL5v4_o
3 sets of 6 reps each side-lighter loads, focus on positions
3 sets
3 reps @ 65%
3 reps @ 75%
3 reps @ 80%
"Dead Cindy"
5 rounds for time
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 air squat
5-4-3-2-1 by round increasing loads starting at 65%
"Pre Murph"
For Time
30 air squats
10 push ups
10 pull ups
Run 400m
30 front squats 95/65 75/55 or empty barbell
10 push ups
10 pull ups
Run 400m
30 back squats 115/85 95/65 75/55
10 push ups
10 pull ups
Run 400m
*wear a weight vest if you like*
Warm Up
3 sets
7 barbell deadlifts
7 barbell hang cleans
7 barbell front squats
20 banded pull aparts
mixed KB/DB rack overhead carry x 50 feet
banded ankle distraction x 30sec/side
quadruped shoulder taps with 3 second pause x 10/side
Cuban press with small weights x 10 reps
banded lat stretch x 30 seconds/side
"Pre Murph"
For Time
30 air squats
10 push ups
10 pull ups
Run 400m
30 front squats 95/65 75/55 or empty barbell
10 push ups
10 pull ups
Run 400m
30 back squats 115/85 95/65 75/55
10 push ups
10 pull ups
Run 400m
*wear a weight vest if you like*
"Triple Threat"
12:00 AMRAP
15 air squats
10 power snatch 115/75 95/65 75/55
5 bar facing burpees
Warm Up
3 rounds
60 seconds high knee jump rope singles
16 switch lunges https://youtu.be/J5ZMs2WKIl0
8 body weight kickstand pistol squats/leg
20 second split stance isometric hold/ both sides
A. squat Y's x 8/arm
B. deep squat plate hold x 3 sets of 15 seconds
C. child's pose with shoulder variation
3 sets
A. cyclist front squats @ 31X0 8-10 reps
B. chainsaw row @20X2 8-10/arm
C. pronated strict pull up @ 2011 8-10 reps- scale to banded strict pull ups
3 sets
set 1- empty bar
set 2- 30%
set 3- 35%
3 snatch press in the receiving position
3 muscle snatch
3 drop snatch
3 hang power snatch
"Triple Threat"
12:00 AMRAP
15 air squats
10 power snatch 115/75 95/65 75/55
5 bar facing burpees
03.28.2020 Hateful 8
8 Rounds for time
8 hand release push ups
8 weighted sit ups
8 chair pull ups
8 air squats
8 burpees
8 sumo deadlifts
8 hang power cleans
8 shoulder to overhead
2 rounds
10 Quadruped Hip Extensions/leg (hold 1sec at top of each)
30sec Forearm Plank – Protract Shoulders as far as possible
10 Side Plank Rotations/side
10 Jefferson Curls (low load slow and controlled) focus on simply execution of correct postures – with a PVC, bodyweight, or a light kb or weight
8 Rounds for time
8 hand release push ups
8 weighted sit ups
8 chair pull ups
8 air squats
8 burpees
8 sumo deadlifts
8 hang power cleans
8 shoulder to overhead
03.25.2020 Murph Training
For Time
1 mile run
200 air squats
1 mile run
100 air squats
scaled version (since most of us haven't been running)
800m run
100 air squats
400m run
50 air squats
2 rounds
half kneeling DB single arm press x 8/side
20 frog pumps
50 feet shuffle each side
50 feet skipping for height
50 feet skipping for distance
single arm DB high pulls x 8/side
2 rounds
yoga push ups x 5
shoulder taps x 10
Cuban press with stick or dowel or PVC x 10
wall slides x 10
Skill: RDLs
3 sets of single side RDL x 10/side using whatever load you have
For Time
1 mile run
200 air squats
1 mile run
100 air squats
scaled version (since most of us haven't been running)
800m run
100 air squats
400m run
50 air squats
02.28.2020 Partner WOD
with a partner
50-40-30-20-10 cals row
partner A. rows for calories
partner B. completes rounds of the AMRAP
switch whenever
7 push ups
10 pull ups
17 air squats
Warm Up
2 rounds
10 cals row or bike
5 banded pass throughs at the bottom of the squat
20 banded pull aparts
2 rounds
5 ring rows
10 slow to fast air squats
20 second plank hold
single leg balance x 15 seconds each side
single leg hip flexor kicks x 8 each side
couch stretch x 30 seconds each side
25 feet perfect stretch walk
20 goblet squats
20 front rack walking lunges
10/side KB deadlifts- single arm
Rest 1:00 and repeat
*choose a KB weight where you can maintain unbroken sets of each exercise
with a partner
50-40-30-20-10 cals row
partner A. rows for calories
partner B. completes rounds of the AMRAP
switch whenever
7 push ups
10 pull ups
17 air squats