workout of the day
not for time
200 feet KB farmer carry 70/53
40 hanging oblique raises (20/side)
150 feet KB farmer carry
30 anchored feet sit ups or GHD sit ups
100 feet KB farmer carry
20 hanging knee tucks
50 feet KB farmer carry
10 strict TTB or strict straight leg raises
Warm Up
3 sets
10 supinated inverted rows- https://youtu.be/zbLAEQ3e9gw
10 weighted sit ups- hold DB at chest
10 DB box step ups
2 sets
1. hamstring curls x 20 with band on rig
2. reverse lunges x 8 each side
3. posted single leg RDLs x 6 each side
3 x10 reps plate squats
Deadlift week 2- this is based on your working max (90% of your max DL)
67.5%x10+ (have 1-2 reps left in the tank)
not for time
200 feet KB farmer carry 70/53
40 hanging oblique raises (20/side)
150 feet KB farmer carry
30 anchored feet sit ups or GHD sit ups
100 feet KB farmer carry
20 hanging knee tucks
50 feet KB farmer carry
10 strict TTB or strict straight leg raises
Test SEVEN: The Chipper
For Time
75/60 cal row
60 anchored feet sit ups or GHD sit ups
50/40 cal row
50 alternating single arm devil's press 50/35 35/20
25/20 cal row
40 single arm DB thrusters 50/35 35/20
*25:00 Time Cap
Warm Up
3 sets
8 sumo squat goblet good mornings
3/side Cossack squats
8/side half kneeling chop and lift
3/side half kneeling windmills
10/side hip hurdles
5/side reach, roll & lift
5 reps feet together squat & hold 10 seconds + forward fold stretch for 10 seconds
Test SEVEN: The Chipper
For Time
75/60 cal row
60 anchored feet sit ups or GHD sit ups
50/40 cal row
50 alternating single arm devil's press 50/35 35/20
25/20 cal row
40 single arm DB thrusters 50/35 35/20
*25:00 Time Cap
Cool Down
1:00 bound angle stretch
1:00 standing straddle stretch
1:00 90/90 hip switches
WOD part 1
KB crush grip floor press
KB swings
pronated body rows- racked barbell- inverted row
anchored feet sit ups
WOD part 2
"Move Up"
10:00 EMOM
build load in the complex
1 thruster
1 front squat @22X1
2 front squats @2X11
Warm Up
cardio choice- one time through
1:00 work 30 seconds rest
45 seconds work 45 seconds rest
30 seconds work 1:00 rest
3 sets
A. RNT goblet split squats x 8/side
B. parallette push ups x 6-8 reps @ 3011
C. touchdown squats x 8-10/side- add more height than last week
WOD part 1
KB crush grip floor press
KB swings
pronated body rows- racked barbell- inverted row
anchored feet sit ups
WOD part 2
"Move Up"
10:00 EMOM
build load in the complex
1 thruster
1 front squat @22X1
2 front squats @2X11