workout of the day
Warm Up 5:00 EMOM
jumping rope :45 rest :15
use this time to practice several different kinds of jumping rope
Mobility: KB single arm press with opposite arm rack hold- performed with Kettlebells in both arms. The rack hold in the non working arm is a great way to training scapular stability and endurance while working concentric and eccentric contractions in the other arm. 2 sets of 5 each side https://www.instagram.com/p/BgFoD-1jmK-/?taken-by=functional.bodybuilding
KB bent over row with mini- band- KB in each hand, bent over in a row position and rowing one arm at a time. Keep the mini-band around the lower knee (just underneath the knee). Mini-band helps keep the glutes activated and working during the row and can improve the quality of the lift. 2 sets of 5 each side https://www.instagram.com/p/BfFLz5RjP9o/?taken-by=functional.bodybuilding
Skill: Jerks EMOM 10 1 rep @ 70-75%
Barbell warm up for cleans
5 clean grip RDLs
5 clean high pulls
5 muscle cleans
5 front squats
5 tall cleans
5 hang power cleans
5 power cleans below the knee
WOD 3 RFT 14/10 cals assault bike 15 power cleans 50 DUs or 100 singles
Warm Up Row 500 Meters @ a light pace
Straight into . . . Band Assisted Hip Flexor Stretch x 60 seconds per side Leg Swings x 10 reps (forward and backward)
and then . . .
Two sets of: Alternating Reverse Lunge x 10 reps Russian Baby Makers x 10 reps Plate Jumps x 15 reps (jump onto a 45 lbs plate)
Primer: 8:00 EMOM Min 1: back squat 4 reps @70-80%
Min 2: 4-8 reps kipping hspu or wall climb and handstand hold for :30
WOD 10:00 AMRAP wall balls x 12 reps 20/14 power snatch x 10 reps 95/65 bike x 10/8 cals
Warm Up2:00 Row/bike
Shoulder Circuit Bicep Openers x 10 reps Xiopang x 10 reps Bent Over Rows x 10 reps Bicep Curl + Push x 10 reps
2 sets of: DB single arm strict press x 5 each side Bent over barbell rows x 10- wide snatch grip RDL with barbell x 10
Mobility: Banded lat stretch x :30 Tricep smash x :30 Deep goblet squat x :45
Snatch Warm Up With an empty barbell, complete the following: Snatch Grip RDL x 3 reps Snatch Pull x 3 reps Muscle Snatch x 3 reps Close Grip Overhead Squats x 3 reps Snatch Balance x 3 reps Tall Snatch x 3 reps Snatch x 3 reps
Skill: Snatch EMOM
10:00 EMOM 1 rep snatch- build load- start at 55-65%
6 Rounds
E2M complete one round of:
5 strict pull ups- or scap pull ups- or hardest ring row with lats activated
10/8 cals on assault bike
12 GHD or abmat sit ups
post slowest round
Warm Up:3 Rounds: 1:00 Light Row :40s Alternating Samson Stretch Lunges :30s Inchworms :20s Good Mornings- with a band
Mobility: Foam roll thoracic spine x 1:00 Foam roll quads and IT band x 1:00 Tricep smash on racked bar Deep lunge stretch while pushing out the front knee x :30 each side
Skill: Front squats Sets 1-3 3 reps @ 75% Sets 4-6 3 reps @ 80%
WOD Buy in: 500m row 3 rounds of: 10 C2B pull ups/ pull ups/ ring rows 15 push ups/ incline push ups 20 wall balls 20/14 Cash out: 30/24 cal bike
Upcoming Events: Bring a Friend Day 2/10 7/8/9am wods and Swim WOD 2/11 9:30am Warm Up: 2:00 bike or row 20 reps banded face pulls 10 reps feet elevated ring rows 5 reps gymnastics complex- inchworm, bottom of push up, scorpion stretch to each side, push up, walk feet to hands
Wrist stretches
Banded lat stretch x :30 each side
Couch stretch x :30 each side
Warm Up for gymnastics movements- ring swings, kip swings, dips, shoulder circles, arm circles
WOD 30:00 EMOM min 1- 3 muscle ups or 3 pull ups/3 ring dips min 2- 2 Heavy TGU (1 each side) min 3- 20' handstand walk or :40 handstand hold min 4- max cals on assault bike for :30 min 5- rest
score will be recorded at cals on bike
Warm Up:Two sets of: Assault Bike x 10 Calories Air Squats x 10 reps Push-Ups x 10 reps Hollow Rocks x 30 seconds
Mobility: :30 couch stretch right side :30 deep squat with plate- rocking between sides :30 couch stretch left side :30 each side ankle stretch with plate- in the lunge position with the front foot on the plate
Skill work: pistol progressions Spend 10:00 working on progressions for your pistol 1. foot behind on the ground- move closer to wrapping it 2. foot behind wrapped around opposite ankle 3. squat to an elevated surface 4. candlestick roll to one leg 5. sit on box but no roll forward 6. stand on box and toe slide off the back of the box 7. parallettes to help get out of the full pistol 8. weight to counter balance
Skill: OHS 3 sets of 2 reps pause OHS start with an empty bar and pause at the bottom of the squat for :02-:03 then.. 5 sets of 1 rep with a :02 pause at the bottom 35%, 40%, 45%, 50%, 55%
Cluster Warm Up- one round with an empty bar, one round with light weight
5 clean grip RDL 4 clean pulls 3 push press 2 front squats 1 cluster
WOD For Time 30 Clusters 95/65 30 Cal Bike
Warm Up:300m row or bike 2 easy rounds of:
10 wall slides 20 shoulder taps- start in the plank position, raise hand to tap shoulder while keeping the body still 10 Russian baby makers 10 PVC platter squats
Mobility: Banded pull aparts both overhead and horizontal x 15 reps Banded press out- drop to the knees and place the band around one knee and directly over the shoulder. Place the hand in the band with the elbow out. Press up to a locked out position with no twisting of the body. x 15 reps each side
Banded lat stretch x :30 each side
Skill: push press 4 sets of 5 reps @ 75%
WOD 15:00 EMOM min 1: 12/10 cal bike min 2: 10 HSPU or pike box hspu min 3: 15 Wall balls 20/14 - try for unbroken