workout of the day
4:00 AMRAP
max reps man makers 40/25 35/20
rest 3:00
3:00 AMRAP
max reps devil's press 40/25 35/20
rest 3:00
3:00 AMRAP
max distance dual KB overhead carry - athlete choose load
Warm Up
3 rounds- increase speed on the row by round
200m row
10 reps 2-legged pistols- feet close together and squat down- trying to keep knees together
:30 deep squat hold
4 inchworms + push up
Squat mobility warm up:
Do each exercise for 5 reps
1. world's greatest stretch
2. hamstring rocker
3. pigeon + rotate
4. hip flexors
5. groiners
6. hamstring/hip flexor combo
Skill: back squat day 8
3 reps @ 55%
3 reps @ 60%
3 reps @ 65%
3 reps @ 70%
in between sets - during the 2 1/2 minutes of rest, complete 5 reps each side RDLs- light
4:00 AMRAP
max reps man makers 40/25 35/20
rest 3:00
3:00 AMRAP
max reps devil's press 40/25 35/20
rest 3:00
3:00 AMRAP
max distance dual KB overhead carry - athlete choose load