workout of the day
"Lift Up"
20 Turkish Get Ups for time- use 53/35 if you can, scale load as needed but I want a challenge where you will take 6-8:00 to finish the reps
3 sets
30 second DB leg lowering
10 Cossack squats (5/side)
20 plank DB pull thrus (10/side)
30 seconds hollow hold- add a DB for extra challenge
10 wide stance DB Romanian deadlifts
20 tall plank knee to elbow (10/s)
rest 1:00
Warm up
3 rounds
10 curtsy lunges
10 DB muscle snatch each side-light load
20 second side plank hold/side
Home Weightlifting
A. back squat + back squat jump 5 sets of 3 + 1
B. step ups with a 3 second eccentric 2 sets of 10 reps/leg
C. single leg RDL 4 sets of 5/leg with a 3 second eccentric
back squat
5 reps @ 55%, 60%, 65%
1 rep @ 81%, 83%, 85%
Handstand Skills
6:00 EMOM
min 1- handstand hold or kick to handstand on wall x 5 reps
*put feet together before making contact with the wall. Contact the wall softly if possible
min 2- wall facing handstand marching x 20 reps total or marching with feet on the cooler
"Lift Up"
20 Turkish Get Ups for time- use 53/35 if you can
scale load as needed but I want a challenge where you will take 6-8:00 to finish the reps
3 sets
30 second DB leg lowering
10 Cossack squats (5/side)
20 plank DB pull thrus (10/side)
30 seconds hollow hold- add a DB for extra challenge
10 wide stance DB Romanian deadlifts
20 tall plank knee to elbow (10/s)
rest 1:00
pike handstand push ups- pick any object
V-ups or tuck ups
bicep curls
touchdown squats each side 5,5 then 10,10 or do pistols
wall slides x 15 reps
KB or DB arm bars x 30 second hold https://www.instagram.com/p/B8UUjRynjdL/
Half kneeling KB or DB windmills x 6 each side
Wrist stretches x 1:00
Skill: handstand work from a cooler or a bench/box
Six sets of the entire complex: rest 1min between sets
1️⃣HSPU from the cooler x2
2️⃣Walk out to plank and back to stack x2
3️⃣Leg raises x1 per leg
4️⃣Corner walk x1 per corner
5️⃣Leg raises x1 per leg
6️⃣HSPU from the cooler x2 •
Home Weightlifting
back squat jumps 5 sets of 5 reps- use PVC on back
Bulgarian split squats 5 set of 10 reps/side- use no weight or DB load in the rack position
good mornings 5 sets of 10 reps- use a PVC or a band
pike handstand push ups- pick any object
V-ups or tuck ups
bicep curls
touchdown squats each side 5,5 then 10,10 or do pistols