workout of the day
07.16.2023 Swim WOD
5 rounds
10 ball slams
10 DB snatches
10 jumping jacks
10 DB thrusters
150m swim
Meet at West Bush Lake in Bloomington 9am
5 rounds
10 ball slams
10 DB snatches
10 jumping jacks
10 DB thrusters
150m swim
"Good Fit"
with a partner
20:00 AMRAP
16 hand release push ups
16 deadlifts 155/105
16 ball slams
16 box jumps
One person rows 400m while the other is knocking out reps. Switch every 400m.
Hot Start Warm Up
20 drop squats
alternating Cossack squats-low transition
tuck ups
20 drop squats
hollow flutter kicks
single arm plank R in seconds
single arm plank L in seconds
Glute Focus
2 sets
10/side fire hydrants
10/side donkey kick backs
10 banded air squats- slow down, fast up
"Good Fit"
with a partner
20:00 AMRAP
16 hand release push ups
16 deadlifts 155/105
16 ball slams
16 box jumps
One person rows 400m while the other is knocking out reps. Switch every 400m.
02.22.2020 Veteran Suicide Awareness WOD
For Max Reps in 22 minutes
1 min Pull-Ups
1 min Air Squats
1 min Kettlebell Swings 53/35
1 min Double-Unders
1 min Push-Ups
1 min Sit-Ups
1 min Lunges
1 min Strict Presses 45/35
1 min Mountain Climbers
1 min Dumbbell Push Presses 35/25
1 min Box Jumps 24/20"
1 min Assault Bike Cals
1 min Wall Ball Shots 20/14
1 min Ball Slams
1 min Burpees
1 min Bench Presses 115/75 95/65
1 min Deadlifts 185/125 155/105
1 min Wall Sit
1 min Plank Hold
1 min Rope Climbs
1 min Toes-to-Bars
1 min Dumbbell Snatches 50/35 35/20
At Minute 22: a moment of silence to recognize those who lost the battle
IN honor of Veteran Suicide Awareness
For Max Reps in 22 minutes
1 min Pull-Ups
1 min Air Squats
1 min Kettlebell Swings 53/35
1 min Double-Unders
1 min Push-Ups
1 min Sit-Ups
1 min Lunges
1 min Strict Presses 45/35
1 min Mountain Climbers
1 min Dumbbell Push Presses 35/25
1 min Box Jumps 24/20"
1 min Assault Bike Cals
1 min Wall Ball Shots 20/14
1 min Ball Slams
1 min Burpees
1 min Bench Presses 115/75 95/65
1 min Deadlifts 185/125 155/105
1 min Wall Sit
1 min Plank Hold
1 min Rope Climbs
1 min Toes-to-Bars
1 min Dumbbell Snatches 50/35 35/20
At Minute 22: a moment of silence to recognize those who lost the battle
Score is total reps completed of all movements. For Wall Sit and Plank count 1 rep per second in static hold (do not count transition or rest time).
07.05.19 Morning classes ONLY 5:30,9:30, 12:00
Performance Care
20:00 AMRAP
1:00 bike with breathing through the nose only
50 Foot dual KB front rack carry
8 cat/camel
30 second bottom of squat hold
Every 4:00 for 5 Rounds
10/side pallof press
200m sandbag run 50/35 wreckbag
10 ball slams
Warm Up
3 rounds
4 Turkish Get ups
10 hollow rocks
10 parallette shoulder extensions
Gymnastics Primer:
Every 90 Seconds
set 1: shoot thrus on parallettes x 10
set 2: handstand shoulder taps x 10 /scale to feet in pike
set 3: hollow to superman x 10
Performance Care
20:00 AMRAP
1:00 bike with breathing through the nose only
50 Foot dual KB front rack carry
8 cat/camel
30 second bottom of squat hold
Every 4:00 for 5 Rounds
10/side pallof press
200m sandbag run 50/35 wreckbag
10 ball slams
06.15.19 Bring A Friend Day
4 Rounds *score is total reps
1:00 max reps ball slams
:30 Rest
1:00 max reps shuttle run (10m one direction)
:30 rest
1:00 max reps hammer strikes
:30 rest
1:00 KB swings 53/35
1:00 Rest
4 Rounds *score is total reps
1:00 max reps ball slams
:30 Rest
1:00 max reps shuttle run (10m one direction)
:30 rest
1:00 max reps hammer strikes
:30 rest
1:00 KB swings 53/35
1:00 Rest
21:00 EMOM
min 1: 6 C2b pull ups or 4 bar muscle ups + 4 deadlifts 275/185 245/145 205/125
min 2: 12 bar facing burpees
min 3: 30 seconds of ball slams for max reps
Warm Up
3 Sets –
8 single leg RDL with KB per leg
rest 30sec
20 banded hip thrusts- mini band around the knees
rest 30sec
30sec Superman Swimmer Kicks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=giIrfytRWIQ
rest 90sec
Mobility: https://www.instagram.com/p/BxQoUvAl1VT/
10/side tall plank groiners
10/side quadruped alternating straight leg groiners
10/side tall plank alternating pigeons
10/side straight leg abduction reaches
10/side alternating straight leg lowers
10/side supine 90/90 hip switches
Skill: deadlift
10 reps @ 60%
10 reps @ 70%
Pause deadlifts
3 sets of 8 reps @ 65-70%
working on form here not load
pause 3 seconds at the knee on the way up
21:00 EMOM
min 1: 6 C2b pull ups or 4 bar muscle ups + 4 deadlifts 275/185 245/145 205/125
min 2: 12 bar facing burpees
min 3: 30 seconds of ball slams for max reps
WOD- sprint work here! Think speed and write out times for each round
On every 3:00 for 5 sets
16 DB snatch- alternating 50/35 35/20
10 ball slams
fence and back sprint or 12/9 cal sprint on the bike
Warm Up
Two sets of:
30 Second Side Plank (left)
30 Second Scapular Circles from Push-Up Position
30 Second Side Plank (right)
30 Second Supinated-Grip Hang from Pull-Up Bar
Rest 30 seconds
6 Kettlebell Windmills (each side)
8 Single Leg Hip Thrusts (each leg)
10 Alternating Cossack Squats
Rest as needed
Standing Straight Leg Hold x 10 seconds per leg - stand up with shoulders back and hold one leg out with a straight knee
Lemon Squeeze x 10 - this is a v-up with grabbing the legs on the way up
L Hang x 10 seconds - from the bar (scale to one leg straight and one leg bent or both legs bent)
Banded Good Morning x 20
Samson Stretch x 20 seconds per leg
Primer: 8:00 EMOM
min 1: barbell bent over rows x 8-10 reps
min 2: DB bench press- see saw x 4 each side- keep one DB extended overhead while the other DB does the press. Try to alternate, leaving one arm up at all times.
WOD- sprint work here! Think speed and write out times for each round
On every 3:00 for 5 sets
16 DB snatch- alternating 50/35 35/20
10 ball slams
fence and back sprint or 12/9 cal sprint on the bike