workout of the day
2k row for time
Post WOD
5 sets of 10 DB step ups (5/side)- add load and try for more load than the last time
3 sets of 30 second each side KB arm bar hold
3 sets of 15 banded upright rows
Warm Up
Burpee builder - keep adding reps and plates until you can't. Perform 3-4 reps at each level
They call this the Burpee Builder and it helps wake up your hip flexors and hamstrings! The version shown here is an advanced version. You can start by placing your hands on top fo the plate and then bringing your feet to the same plate. Then you can work up to this version with hands on the floor and bringing your feet to the plates.
Low Trap strength- 3 sets
A. Kneeling Shoulder Flexion against bands x 10 reps
B. Kneeling Band Cuban Press x 10 reps
A. muscle snatch x 2 reps for 4 sets
B. snatch sots press x 3 reps for 3 sets
C. hang power snatch + hang squat snatch
6 sets starting at 60% and building load with good form
D. 4:00 EMOM
1 squat snatch @85-90%
2k row for time
Post WOD
5 sets of 10 DB step ups (5/side)- add load and try for more load than the last time
3 sets of 30 second each side KB arm bar hold
3 sets of 15 banded upright rows