workout of the day
10.14.2023. Partner WOD
"Fancy Pants"
with a partner- You Go, I Go by rounds
12 rounds for time (6 each person)
2 bar muscle up or strict pull ups
3 power cleans 185/125 155/105 115/75
4 pistols or a progression for pistols
8 burpee box jumps 24/20"
100m run
5:00 EMOM
2 power cleans build load from 55-60%
"Fancy Pants"
with a partner- You Go, I Go by rounds
12 rounds for time (6 each person)
2 bar muscle up or strict pull ups
3 power cleans 185/125 155/105 115/75
4 pistols or a progression for pistols
8 burpee box jumps 24/20"
100m run
"Scrambled Eggs"
10:00 AMRAP
3 bar/ring muscle ups or 6 dips (box, banded, or ring dips)
4 wall walks
5 shuttle runs, 1= out and back 25'
Handstand Primer
A. seated plate presses- legs straight out pressing a plate overhead- use the lats x 10 reps
B. box piked hold to walk out to a tall plank x 5 reps
C. Nose to wall handstand hold x 30 seconds
Handstand skills
A. 3 sets
5 donkey kicks to wall
rest 30 seconds
3 wall walks + 1 wall facing strict HSPU negative
B. 3 sets of 20 reps handstand marching on wall or on box (10/side)
"Scrambled Eggs"
10:00 AMRAP
3 bar/ring muscle ups or 6 dips (box, banded, or ring dips)
4 wall walks
5 shuttle runs, 1= out and back 25'
"Raspberry Beret"
6:00 EMOM
min 1- 4 power snatch + 3 bar facing burpees
min 2- 4 power snatch + 8 pull ups
Rest 1:00
6:00 EMOM
min 1- 3 power snatch + 3 bar facing burpees
min 2- 3 power snatch + 6 C2B pull ups
Rest 1:00
6:00 EMOM
min 1- 2 power snatch + 3 bar facing burpees
min 2- 2 power snatch + 2 bar muscle ups
RX 115/75, 125/85, 135/95
Overhead squats
5 reps @ 60%
5 reps @ 70%
5 reps @ 75%
1 set of max reps @ 55%
"Raspberry Beret"
6:00 EMOM
min 1- 4 power snatch + 3 bar facing burpees
min 2- 4 power snatch + 8 pull ups
Rest 1:00
6:00 EMOM
min 1- 3 power snatch + 3 bar facing burpees
min 2- 3 power snatch + 6 C2B pull ups
Rest 1:00
6:00 EMOM
min 1- 2 power snatch + 3 bar facing burpees
min 2- 2 power snatch + 2 bar muscle ups
RX 115/75, 125/85, 135/95
06.10.2023 Partner WOD
with a partner, you go I go style
10 rounds
12 cal row
10 TTB
8 wall balls
6 power cleans
4 bar muscle ups or C2B pull ups
Primer- shoulders
2 sets
12 prone Y raises
12 DB side lying raises each side
30 seconds thoracic spine extension https://youtu.be/tph_8KN9vQw (1st in the video)
2 sets
1. Single Arm Kneeling Press: x 8 each arm
2. Half Kneeling Halos: x 8 each position
3. Single Arm Suitcase Deadlift: x 8 each arm
4. Single Arm hang clean & jerk: x 8 each arm
with a partner, you go I go style
10 rounds
12 cal row
10 TTB
8 wall balls
6 power cleans
4 bar muscle ups or C2B pull ups
"Steady She Goes"
12 lateral burpees over bar
6 bar muscle ups or C2B pull ups or Pull ups
6 power cleans 155/115 135/95 115/75
10 lateral burpees over bar
5 power cleans
8 lateral burpees over bar
4 power cleans
6 lateral burpees over bar
3 power cleans
4 lateral burpees over bar
2 power cleans
2 lateral burpees over bar
1 power clean
Front Squat
5 reps @ 60%
5 reps @ 70%
5 reps @ 75%
then max reps @55%
"Steady She Goes"
12 lateral burpees over bar
6 bar muscle ups or C2B pull ups or Pull ups
6 power cleans 155/115 135/95 115/75
10 lateral burpees over bar
5 power cleans
8 lateral burpees over bar
4 power cleans
6 lateral burpees over bar
3 power cleans
4 lateral burpees over bar
2 power cleans
2 lateral burpees over bar
1 power clean
05.06.2023 Partner WOD
Partners- you go, I go
22 rounds
1 bar muscle up/1 chest to bar/1 strict pull up
1 deadlift 315/225 265/185 225/155 185/125
2 HSPU or piked on a box hspu
22 rounds
1 power clean 225/135 185/115 155/105 115/80
3 bar facing burpees
5 V-ups
Partners- you go, I go
22 rounds
1 bar muscle up/1 chest to bar/1 strict pull up
1 deadlift 315/225 265/185 225/155 185/125
2 HSPU or piked on a box hspu
22 rounds
1 power clean 225/135 185/115 155/105 115/80
3 bar facing burpees
5 V-ups
04.15.2023 Partner WOD
with a partner- one work, one rest
For Time
100 cal row
60 TTB or hanging knee raises
50 shoulder to overhead 135/95 115/80 95/65
40 chest to bar pull ups/ pull ups/ring rows
30 power snatch
20 bar muscle ups or chest to bar
10 thrusters
snatch warm up with empty barbell- 5 reps each
1. slow overhead squats
2. sots press to standing
3. behind the neck press to squat
4. extension to pull under
5. power snatch from the pockets
with a partner- one work, one rest
For Time
100 cal row
60 TTB or hanging knee raises
50 shoulder to overhead 135/95 115/80 95/65
40 chest to bar pull ups/ pull ups/ring rows
30 power snatch
20 bar muscle ups or chest to bar
10 thrusters