workout of the day
3 sets of
3 rounds
3 clusters 135/95 95/65 75/55
6 pull ups/6 C2B pull ups/ 4 bar muscle ups
9 cals row- sprint
Rest 90 seconds after your 3 rounds- complete this for 3 sets
Warm Up
2 rounds
100m run
10/side high pulls with light DB
5/side strict press with DB
10 PVC pass thrus
5 yoga push ups
Two sets of:
Bird Dogs x 8-10 reps
Deep Squat Progression x 5 reps
Hip flexor hurdles x 5/side
parallette shoulder extensions x 10
Skill Work
Bar muscle up drills:
1. hollow/arch swings with scooters
2. jump out of pool drill
3. banded hip drives to low racked barbell
4. banded bar muscle up transition drill
Between muscle up drills
barbell T bar row x 5-7 reps @31X1
set up like a landmine and use a green long band on the barbell to row it to your chest
3 sets of
3 rounds
3 clusters 135/95 95/65 75/55
6 pull ups/6 C2B pull ups/ 4 bar muscle ups
9 cals row- sprint
Rest 90 seconds after your 3 rounds- complete this for 3 sets