workout of the day
"Dead Sprint"
deadlifts 225/155 185/125 155/105
Run 100m between sets
time cap 15:00
Warm Up
2 rounds
100m run
5 x wall slides
10 x push ups
100m run
10 x glute bridges
20 x chest pass MB throws to wall
A. bench press
4 sets of 5 reps @ 70%
B. 5 sets of 10 each
banded lat pull downs
barbell bent over rows
"Dead Sprint"
deadlifts 225/155 185/125 155/105
Run 100m between sets
time cap 15:00
07.04.2020 Partner WOD
WOD with a partner
Batman & Robin
26:00 AMRAP:
400 Meter Run (one partner)
Max Reps Thrusters 95/65 75/55 (While other partner is running)
Then Switch,
400 Meter Run
Max Reps Back Squat
Then Switch.
400 Meter Run
Max Reps Barbell Bent Over Rows
Then Switch
400 Meter Run
Max Reps Power Cleans
Then Switch.
Go Get Em!!
Warm Up
400 Meter Light Jog into:
2 Rounds:
4 Samson Stretch Lunges (5 second hold in each)
8 Alternating Spiderman and Reach
12 Russian Baby Makers
WOD with a partner
Batman & Robin
26:00 AMRAP:
400 Meter Run (one partner)
Max Reps Thrusters 95/65 75/55 (While other partner is running)
Then Switch,
400 Meter Run
Max Reps Back Squat
Then Switch.
400 Meter Run
Max Reps Barbell Bent Over Rows
Then Switch
400 Meter Run
Max Reps Power Cleans
Then Switch.
Go Get Em!!
WOD (12:00)
In 4:00
60 slam balls
in remaining time max cals row or bike
Rest 4:00
4:00 AMRAP
6 DB thrusters 50/35 35/20
3 burpees over the DBs
1 rope climb
Warm Up
KB complex for 2 sets
halos x 5 each direction
press x 5 each side
windmills x 5 each side
bottoms up carry x 50 feet each side
reverse lunges x 5 each side
scap pull ups x 5
scap push ups x 7
strict pull ups x 3-5
push ups x 7
parallette shoulder extensions x 10 reps
box stretch x 5 good exhales
weighted squat hold x 45 seconds- use a plate extended or elbows into knees- hold an upright position
Super Set (15:00)
3 sets of:
10 barbell bent over rows
20 prone banded leg adduction- yellow mini-band around the leg between ankles and calves
directly into...
3 sets of:
10 barbell back racked box step ups (5/side)
10 lateral hops over the barbell
WOD (12:00)
In 4:00
60 slam balls
in remaining time max cals row or bike
Rest 4:00
4:00 AMRAP
6 DB thrusters 50/35 35/20
3 burpees over the DBs
1 rope climb
16:00 EMOM
min 1- 100' farmer carry- heavy KBs each hand
min 2- 100' sandbag carry- bear hug
min 3- 40' seated sled pull - mini-sleds add 3/2 plates
min 4- max cals bike
*record total calories
Warm Up
bike/row 30 seconds
banded monster walks- 20 each direction
bike/row 30 seconds
banded air squats x 15 reps
bike/row 30 seconds
banded glute bridges x 15 reps
bike/row 30 seconds
shoulder circles x 10 each direction
Goblet squat with dorsiflexion stretch x 30 seconds
Sit squats- focus on range of motion x 10 reps
Prone Floor Angels x 10 reps
Skill: back squat day 6
super set of
A. Back squat 5 reps @ 50%, 55%, 60%
B. Barbell bent over rows 3 sets of 5 reps moderate weight
super set of
A. Front squat 5 reps @ 40%, 43%, 45%- taken from the back squat 1RM
B. Barbell reverse grip bent over rows 3 sets of 5 reps- same weight as above
16:00 EMOM
min 1- 100' farmer carry- heavy KBs each hand
min 2- 100' sandbag carry- bear hug
min 3- 40' seated sled pull - mini-sleds add 3/2 plates
min 4- max cals bike
*record total calories
November Rowing Challenge
Workout 7
EMOM x 20:00
30 second row for cals/ 30 sec rest
Workout 8
4 sets for consistency
2:00 max cals
2:00 rest
Workout 9
EMOM until failure
16/13 cals row
RX+ 20/16
Scaled 14/11 or 12/9
barbell bent over rows 135/95 115/75
burpee over barbell
strict pull ups- banded or not
after each set of reps complete a 45 second wall sit
Warm Up
Right Arm Turkish Get-Ups x 3 + Waiter Hold Alternating Reverse Lunges x 6
Left Arm Turkish Get-Ups x 3 + Waiter Hold Alternating Reverse Lunges x 6
Followed by…
Right Arm Kettlebell Windmills x 5 + Waiter Carry x 20 yards + Front Rack Carry x 20 yards
Left Arm Kettlebell Windmills x 5 + Waiter Carry x 20 yards + Front Rack Carry x 20 yards
3-5 eccentric pull ups work on 5+ seconds to descend
parallette shoulder extensions x 10
wrist stretches x 1:00
Skill: strict press
4 sets of 4 reps starting at 35% bench press weight and building
barbell bent over rows 135/95 115/75
burpee over barbell
strict pull ups- banded or not
after each set of reps complete a 45 second wall sit
10:00 AMRAP
10 push press 115/80 95/65
10 burpees
10 DB step ups 35/20
10 barbell bent over rows 115/80 95/65
Warm Up
Run 400m
Then 2 Rounds
:30 on/:10 Off
-Hollow Rocks
-Plate Ground to Overhead
-Overhead Lunges
Mobility: squat
1️⃣Quadruped Rockback – get on all fours with a wide stance, sink back into deep hip flexion, stretching your groin and glute muscles.
2️⃣Ankle Prying – get down into a squat, lean to one side and push the knee forward while keeping the heel down, stretching the lower calf region.
3️⃣Foam Roller T-Spine – get down on the ground in a supine position with a foam roller placed underneath the upper back and your hands behind your head. Use your thoracic extensors to arch the upper back over the foam roller.
4️⃣Ankle Rocking – from a kneeling position in a deep lunge, push the knee forward while keeping the heel down, striving to feel the stretch in the lower calf area.
5️⃣Squat Adductor – get down into the bottom of a squat and use your elbows to push your knees outward, stretching the inner thigh muscles.
Do 3 rounds of 6 reps of each of these then proceed to your squat workout.
Skill: stamina squats- week 7
Every 2:30 for 6 sets (15:00)
3 front squats + 6 back squats @70-85% 1RM front squat
10:00 AMRAP
10 push press 115/80 95/65
10 burpees
10 DB step ups 35/20
10 barbell bent over rows 115/80 95/65
WOD- sprint work here! Think speed and write out times for each round
On every 3:00 for 5 sets
16 DB snatch- alternating 50/35 35/20
10 ball slams
fence and back sprint or 12/9 cal sprint on the bike
Warm Up
Two sets of:
30 Second Side Plank (left)
30 Second Scapular Circles from Push-Up Position
30 Second Side Plank (right)
30 Second Supinated-Grip Hang from Pull-Up Bar
Rest 30 seconds
6 Kettlebell Windmills (each side)
8 Single Leg Hip Thrusts (each leg)
10 Alternating Cossack Squats
Rest as needed
Standing Straight Leg Hold x 10 seconds per leg - stand up with shoulders back and hold one leg out with a straight knee
Lemon Squeeze x 10 - this is a v-up with grabbing the legs on the way up
L Hang x 10 seconds - from the bar (scale to one leg straight and one leg bent or both legs bent)
Banded Good Morning x 20
Samson Stretch x 20 seconds per leg
Primer: 8:00 EMOM
min 1: barbell bent over rows x 8-10 reps
min 2: DB bench press- see saw x 4 each side- keep one DB extended overhead while the other DB does the press. Try to alternate, leaving one arm up at all times.
WOD- sprint work here! Think speed and write out times for each round
On every 3:00 for 5 sets
16 DB snatch- alternating 50/35 35/20
10 ball slams
fence and back sprint or 12/9 cal sprint on the bike