workout of the day
"Oh My Core"
For Time
2 rounds
50 abmat sit ups
50 TTB or hanging knee raises
rest 3:00
Warm Up
Cardio 3:00
3 sets
10 each side single leg deadlifts
20-30 second hollow hold
60 seconds suitcase carry- heavy (30 seconds each side)
Accessory Set
3 rounds
A. DB rows x 8/side
B. barbell bicep curls x 15
C. banded tricep extensions x 15
"Oh My Core"
For Time
2 rounds
50 abmat sit ups
50 TTB or hanging knee raises
rest 3:00
3 rounds for time
24 wall balls 20/14
12 devil's press 50/35 35/20
Warm Up
2 sets
1:00 jumping rope
banded monster walks x 10 each direction
1:00 bike
banded lateral walks x 10 each direction
single leg support squat and hold x 4 each side @4311- hold onto the rig and slowly lower yourself, focusing on knee traction. Only lower as far as your hips allow without rounding your low back.
banded ankle stretch x 30 seconds each side
slow touchdown squats x 8/side
single leg glute bridges on foam roller x 10 each side
front squats
5 x 3 reps@ 50% of your BS max
super set- 3 times
DB farmers walk 150 feet
Barbell bicep curls x 15
3 rounds for time
24 wall balls 20/14
12 devil's press 50/35 35/20
09.24.2022 Hero WOD with a partner
partner workout
one work, one rest
for time
100 cal row
75 thrusters 45/35
50 pull ups
75 wall balls
100 cal row
Background: US Army Spc. Hilda Clayton, 22, of Augusta, Georgia, died on July 2, 2013 from injuries sustained when a mortar malfunctioned during an Afghan National Army training exercise in Qaraghahi, Afghanistan. Clayton, assigned to the 55th Signal Company and the 21st Signal Brigade in Fort Meade, Maryland, was providing Combat Camera support at the time of her death.
She is survived by her husband, Chase Clayton.
Warm Up
outside with a partner and a ball
Line drills and dynamic warm up with the MB
partner workout
one work, one rest
for time
100 cal row
75 thrusters 45/35
50 pull ups
75 wall balls
100 cal row
Background: US Army Spc. Hilda Clayton, 22, of Augusta, Georgia, died on July 2, 2013 from injuries sustained when a mortar malfunctioned during an Afghan National Army training exercise in Qaraghahi, Afghanistan. Clayton, assigned to the 55th Signal Company and the 21st Signal Brigade in Fort Meade, Maryland, was providing Combat Camera support at the time of her death.
She is survived by her husband, Chase Clayton.
The “Hildy” Hero WOD was first posted on crossfit.com as the workout of the day for Sunday, May 29, 2016 (160529).
3 sets
A. single arm DB press x 10 reps each side
B. barbell bicep curls @2011 x 10 reps
C. banded lat pull downs x 25 reps