workout of the day
"Jump Ball"
11:00 AMRAP
10 wall balls 20/14
5 box jumps 24/20"
1,2,3,4... burpee pull ups
keep adding reps of burpee pull ups until time expires
3 sets
A. barbell hip thrusts x 15 reps @50% DL max
B. Cossack squats x 8/side- add weight if you can
C. contralateral suitcase box step downs x 8/side
"Jump Ball"
11:00 AMRAP
10 wall balls 20/14
5 box jumps 24/20"
1,2,3,4... burpee pull ups
keep adding reps of burpee pull ups until time expires
12:00 AMRAP
bike 7 cals
renegade rows x 7
row 7 cals
DB push press x 7
Warm Up
2 sets
1:00 jumping rope or jumping jacks
banded walks x 10 rep each direction
1:00 bike or row
banded air squats x 20 reps
100 feet farmer carry
A. *single leg support squat hold x 7 each leg @ 3211
B. 90/90 hip switches x 10 each leg
C. perfect stretch x 4 each side
*hold onto the rig and slowly lower yourself, focusing on knee traction. Only lower as far as your hips allow without rounding your lower back
3 sets- super set
A. barbell hip bridges x 8 reps @ 70-75% DL max
B. hack squats x 6 each side @2211 https://youtu.be/MdYqhUKWLIE
12:00 AMRAP
bike 7 cals
renegade rows x 7
row 7 cals
DB push press x 7
"The Great Pumpkin"
Every 3:00 for 5 sets
21/16 cals row
12 sandbag squats 150/100/70/50
9 kipping handstand push ups
Warm up
300m row
banded monster walks x 30 seconds each direction
banded lateral walks x 30 seconds each direction
600m row easy to increasing pace every 200m
banded squats x 30 seconds
Mobility flow https://www.instagram.com/p/CkLnXhqAO-e/
move through with a 20 second hold on each
1. straight leg forward fold to feet together squat
2. toe roll ups
3. sumo squat hold at the bottom
4. v-sit with a lean forward of the chest and arms
5. frog pose with a lift of the lower leg- alternating sides
6. half kneeling Samson stretch each side
7. half kneeling straight leg stretch and roll the ankle in all directions
8. half kneeling grab the back leg and hold or just stretch in a half kneeling position
9. internal knee rotations without a barbell on back (video)
barbell hip thrusts
3 x 15 reps @50% deadlift max
Super set
3 rounds
A. Cossack squats with weight x 6 each side
B. lateral DB step ups with weight x 6 each side
"The Great Pumpkin"
Every 3:00 for 5 sets
21/16 cals row
12 sandbag squats 150/100/70/50
9 kipping handstand push ups
"Left Tackle"
For Time
30 hammer strikes
21 burpees
4 shuttle runs (25 feet is one shuttle run)
15 burpees
4 shuttle runs
9 burpees
4 shuttle runs
30 hammer strikes
Warm Up
10 Xiaopeng circles
10 IYT + other letters
20 wall supported deadbugs
10 squat pulses
10 hip airplanes
1:00 cardio
2 sets
8 each side single leg glute bridge, immediately into
15 DB glute bridges, immediately into
45 seconds glute bridge hold
rest as needed
Super set 3 times
A. barbell hip thrusts x 10 reps @ 75-80% max DL
B. strict pull ups x 10 (all 3 sets will allow you to complete the 2 x 15 this week)
"Left Tackle"
For Time
30 hammer strikes
21 burpees
4 shuttle runs (25 feet is one shuttle run)
15 burpees
4 shuttle runs
9 burpees
4 shuttle runs
30 hammer strikes
3 sets
45 seconds suitcase carry right side
45 seconds suitcase carry left side
15 GHD or abmat sit ups
13:00 AMRAP
4 bar muscle ups or 4 c2b pull ups
25 feet handstand walk or 50 feet scooter walk
12 DB alternating snatch 50/35 35/20 RX+ 70/50
Warm up
2 sets
200m run
▪️8-10 Windmills to each side
▪️20-30 sec Single Arm Overhead DB Carry
▪️8-10 Supine Press Roll to Side
frog pose x 30 seconds
back press ups x 30 seconds
banded good mornings x 30 seconds
Super Set 3 times
A. barbell hip thrusts x 12 reps @65-75% 1RM DL
B. banded pallofs press x 45 seconds each side
C. hollow hold x 20-30 seconds
13:00 AMRAP
4 bar muscle ups or 4 c2b pull ups
25 feet handstand walk or 50 feet scooter walk
12 DB alternating snatch 50/35 35/20 RX+ 70/50
3 sets
A. seated good mornings x 15 reps
B. DB walking lunges x 10 each leg
C. single leg dual DB RDLs x 10 reps each leg
"Iron Man"
3 rounds for time
Row 500m/ 425m
21 power cleans 115/85 95/65 75/55
Run 400m
Warm Up
2 sets
1:00 cardio
10 steps each side death march
15 air squats
20 banded good mornings
10 scap pull ups
10 PVC platter squats
5 barbell tall cleans
5 hang muscle cleans
5 hang power cleans
4 sets- super set
A. barbell hip thrusts x 8 reps @80%
B. tire flips x 5 reps
"Iron Man"
3 rounds for time
Row 500m/ 425m
21 power cleans 115/85 95/65 75/55
Run 400m
20 rounds for time
with 2 dumbbells 40/30 30/15
1 devil's press
2 thrusters
3 box step ups 24/20"
4 burpees
*only movement done without DBs is the burpee*
Warm Up
2 sets
10 cals cardio
5 sprawls- burpee, no push up
100 feet double KB overhead carry
2 sets
5 each side perfect stretch
10 barbell Kang squats
30 second handstand hold
Primer https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/17887675001361780/
one set
empty barbell RDL + row x 10 reps
silverbacks x 10 reps
barbell hip thrusts 4 x 8 reps @75% your DL max
20 rounds for time
with 2 dumbbells 40/30 30/15
1 devil's press
2 thrusters
3 box step ups 24/20"
4 burpees
*only movement done without DBs is the burpee*