workout of the day
"Never Ending"
20:00 EMOM
min 1- 4 power cleans 115/75 95/65 or 2 DBS
min 2- 4 power cleans + 4 TTB or leg raises
min 3- 4 power cleans + 4 TTB + 4 air squats
min 4- 4 power cleans + 4 TTB + 4 air squats + 4 push ups
min 5- 4 power cleans + 4 TTB + 4 air squats + 4 push ups + 4 power cleans
*you keep going on every minute. if you don't finish a minute, start the next one
Warm Up
12:00 EMOM
min1- DB thrusters x 15 or wall balls x 10 unbroken
min2- plank ball pops x 12- 6 each side
min 3- 10 box jumps or box step ups
min 4- 20 feet handstand walk/ 30 second handstand hold/ 60 feet bear crawl
**plank ball pops
keep ball as still as possible- tight hollow plank
stack shoulders over wrists. spread fingers
balls of feet on MB and create a scared cat back
push thru ground with majority of body weight being supported by shoulders and core
if you have too much weight on feet, the ball will roll
Scale= no MB, use plates
90/90 hip switches x 8/side
Cossack squat to overhead reach x 8/side
quadruped Y's x 5/side
"Never Ending"
20:00 EMOM
min 1- 4 power cleans 115/75 95/65 or 2 DBS
min 2- 4 power cleans + 4 TTB or leg raises
min 3- 4 power cleans + 4 TTB + 4 air squats
min 4- 4 power cleans + 4 TTB + 4 air squats + 4 push ups
min 5- 4 power cleans + 4 TTB + 4 air squats + 4 push ups + 4 power cleans
*you keep going on every minute. if you don't finish a minute, start the next one
"Black Coffee"
5 rounds
2:00work / 1:00 rest
pick up where you left off
5 cleans with whatever weight you have- one DB or two, barbell, bag, backpack
5 object facing burpee
5 thrusters with whatever weight you have
40 feet bear crawl
*if you have a barbell start round one heavy and then take off weight each round
Warm Up
3 rounds
1:00 feet together hops- like you are jumping rope10 each side drop lunge to knee lift https://www.instagram.com/p/B_h5FQRFpSI/
6 each side quad crawl shoulder taps https://www.instagram.com/p/B_h5FQRFpSI/
10 sow motion power cleans with PVC
Core Burner
4 rounds
L-sit lifts on a box or bench x 10 reps
floor wipers x 5 each side
side star plank hold x 15 seconds each side
straight body crunches x 15 reps
"Black Coffee"
5 rounds
2:00work / 1:00 rest
pick up where you left off
5 cleans with whatever weight you have- one DB or two, barbell, bag, backpack
5 object facing burpee (or tire flips)
5 thrusters with whatever weight you have
40 feet bear crawl
*if you have a barbell start round one heavy and then take off weight each round
04.11.2020 Hero WOD Saturday
Hero WOD Saturday
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Reps for Time
Squat Clean (95/65 lb)
Deadlift (185/135 lb)
Box Jump (24/20 in)
Start each round with a 50 meter Bear crawl
Hero WOD Saturday
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Reps for Time
Squat Clean (95/65 lb)
Deadlift (185/135 lb)
Box Jump (24/20 in)
Start each round with a 50 meter Bear crawl
**We will modify this for a single DB or dual DBs. The squat cleans will be from the hang position with whatever weight you have at home. Double unders can be singles times two reps or do jumping jacks. Deadlift will be either DBs at the sides if you have two or do sumo deadlifts with one DB in the center.
U.S. Army Corporal Nathan B. Carse, 32, of Harrod, OH, assigned to the 2nd Engineer Battalion, 176th Engineer Brigade, based out of White Sands Missile Range, NM, died in Kandahar, Afghanistan, on February 8, 2011, from wounds suffered when insurgents attacked his unit using an improvised explosive device.
He is survived by his mother Janis and sisters Megan Brown and Kristin Purdy.
The "Carse" Hero WOD was first posted on crossfit.com as the workout of the day for Sunday, October 2, 2011 (111002).
06.18.19 1RM squat
10min. AMRAP:
10 Box Jump (30/24″)- if comfortable or go with the usual 24/20"
30ft. Handstand Walk
10min. AMRAP:
10 Box Jump (24/20″)
:30 HS Hold
10min. AMRAP:
10 Box Step Up (20/16")
60ft. Bear Crawl
Warm up
2 rounds
300m run or row
6-8/side KB front racked drop back lunges- stand on a plate and drop one foot off plate into a lunge position
20 second hollow hold
6/side shoulder taps with a one second pause
Shoulders: parallette shoulder extensions x 10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GLMYwLE47c
Glute Activation https://www.instagram.com/p/Byb5rtcgUiB/
1️⃣ 10 single leg hip thrusts
2️⃣ 10 eccentric single leg hip thrusts (2 up/1 down)
3️⃣ 10 B-stance hip thrusts
4️⃣ 10-sec pause single leg hip thrust (at the top)
Barbell Warm Up
3 reps of each movement
good morning
back squat
behind the neck press
front squat
strict press
Back or front squat warm up reps
1×5 @~40%, 1×3 @~60%, 1×1 @~75%, 1×1 @~80%, and 1×1 @~90%.
Find a 1 RM today for front or back squat
10min. AMRAP:
10 Box Jump (30/24″)- if comfortable or go with the usual 24/20"
30ft. Handstand Walk
10min. AMRAP:
10 Box Jump (24/20″)
:30 HS Hold
10min. AMRAP:
10 Box Step Up (20/16")
60ft. Bear Crawl
Every 5:00 for 20:00 perform one round of:
Run 300m
2 lengths of the gym bear crawl
3 x burpee wall walk - perform the burpee and instead of jumping up you walk your feet up the wall and back, then jump up
100m (pylon and back) sled pull- 3/2 plates on sled
*remaining time is rest
Warm Up
3 rounds
300m Run
10 alternating shoulder taps in the plank position
4 inchworms with push up
30 second squat hold
10 Kang squats-With no weight https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=kang+squat&view=detail&mid=36B7F05D33B3F829B5B736B7F05D33B3F829B5B7&FORM=VIRE
6:00 EMOM
min 1: Single leg deadlift against the wall x 6 reps each leg https://www.instagram.com/p/Bf_0fxSAVRz
min 2: See- saw KB row with mini- band around knees x 6 reps each arm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wS13dFkL-Qo&feature=youtu.be
Every 5:00 for 20:00 perform one round of:
Run 300m
2 lengths of the gym bear crawl
3 x burpee wall walk - perform the burpee and instead of jumping up you walk your feet up the wall and back, then jump up
100m (pylon and back) sled pull- 3/2 plates on sled
*remaining time is rest
Warm Up: Row 300 meters @ an easy pace
Into …
Banded Perfect Stretch x 45 seconds per side Psoas Pulse x 45 seconds per side
Banded Clam Shell Iso Hold x 45 seconds per side Banded air squats x 10 reps Fire Hydrant Iso Hold x 30 seconds per side
Two sets of: Side Plank Hold x 30 seconds per side Air Squats x 15 reps Wrist Stretch x 30 seconds (Place your hands on the floor and point your fingertips towards yourself.
Skill: Front Squats
6:00 EMOM
1 Front Squat @ 80-85%
For Time
25 Thrusters 95/65
3 Lengths (of the front part of the gym by the rowers) OH walking lunges with plate 45/25
25 Ball slams
3 Lengths Bear crawl
25 Burpees
Swim WOD tomorrow at 9:30am
6545 Flying Cloud Drive. Eden Prairie
Pool is located upstairs from the main entrance. Bring a suit and towel- goggles if you have them.
Make up Strength/Skill
WOD Partners 20 partner deadlifts 455/315 100' OH MB run x 4 lengths of the front part of the gym/10 push ups- *partner A does the run while partner B does the push ups. Then partner alternate exercises 20 partner deadlifts 50' OH walking lunges with plate- 2 lengths of the front part of the gym/ 10 wall balls 20/14# 20 partner deadlifts 100' bear crawl- hide ears with arms- 4 lengths of the front part of the gym/10 KB swings 53/35#