workout of the day
WOD- heavy wod which should be slowed down to grind it out.
50' sled rope pull - add 3 plates to little sleds (the rope is 10 feet long)
6 KB goblet squats
25 KB swings- Russian
150' (5 sections of concrete out and back) single arm KB farmer carry- 75 feet each arm
*KB weight RX 70/53, scaled 53,35
Warm Up
Dynamic Warm Up:
1. Knee to chest
2. Groiners
3. Walking quads
4. Single leg deadlift
5. Greatest stretch alive (spiderman + reach)
6. Hamstrings
7. Number 4- glute and hips
8. Inchworm no push up
9. Curtsy lunge
Hip flexor kicks 5 sets of 3-5 reps/side
Healthy shoulder:
1. KB windmill x 8/side
2. Single arm T-spine opener on roller x 8/side
Primer: 3 rounds:
Cossack squats x 4/side
Behind the neck strict press- empty bar x 4
Skill: snatch
4 sets of:
Snatch balance + OHS
Build to a heavier complex but make sure that you remain fast with the snatch balance. Focus on punching under the bar as quickly as possible and receiving the bar as low as possible.
8:00 EMOM
2 x hang snatch @ 70-75%
WOD- heavy wod which should be slowed down to grind it out.
50' sled rope pull - add 3 plates to little sleds (the rope is 10 feet long)
6 KB goblet squats
25 KB swings- Russian
150' (5 sections of concrete out and back) single arm KB farmer carry- 75 feet each arm
*KB weight RX 70/53, scaled 53,35
Every 4:00 for 4 sets
30 second sprint bike or row
20 alternating pistols or sub Cossack or a pistol progression
10 KB swings 70/53
Post WOD: core
3 sets of
6-8 KB Floor Press
15sec Dual KB Hollow Flutter Kicks
6-8 KB Glute Bridge Floor Press
15sec Dual KB Hollow Rocks
Warm Up
3 rounds of:
50 single unders
10 (5 each side) half kneeling KB strict press
10 two-footed pistols
30 second deep squat KB pry- hold that KB in the goblet position and pry apart the knees with your elbows
1. Thoracic rotations x 5 each side
2. yoga push up x 5 reps
3. wrist extensions x 10 reps - with an empty barbell allow your wrists to start in full extension and then slowly and controlled allow the barbell to come down to the fingertips or as far as you can go and then extend back up.
4. Ankle mobility with a green mini-band. Perform 10 reps on each side with the band around the lowest part of your shin. Move your knee forward without letting your heel pop up and aim your knee towards your pinky toe.
Skill: behind the neck strict press
4 sets of 5 reps
35%-40%-45%-50% of your push press max
Every 4:00 for 4 sets
30 second sprint bike or row
20 alternating pistols or sub Cossack or a pistol progression
10 KB swings 70/53
Post WOD: core
3 sets of
6-8 KB Floor Press
15sec Dual KB Hollow Flutter Kicks
6-8 KB Glute Bridge Floor Press
15sec Dual KB Hollow Rocks