workout of the day
WOD- benchmark
40 devil's press for time
50/35 35/20
Warm Up
3 rounds- 1st round no weight, add light load rounds 2-3
6/side plate drop back lunges - feet start on plate and drop back into a lunge with one foot on plate, one on ground
8 cyclist squats https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzs7OH6lsIv/ (first video)
4-5 reps/side perfect stretch walk https://www.instagram.com/p/B0Q2i8BFZVz/ (last video)
2 rounds
10 glute bridges- green or blue mini-band
10 banded squats green or blue mini-band
10 psoas marches each leg- yellow mini-band
10 banded press outs- yellow
10 overhead external rotations- yellow
WOD- benchmark
40 devil's press for time
50/35 35/20
post wod
12:00 EMOM
min 1: 8-10 alternating pistols
min 2: 20-30 seconds ring support hold or hang on rig hold
min 3: 8-10 alternating reps tall kneeling to standing
min 4: 30 second handstand hold
07.20.2020 Benchmark WOD
benchmark workout from CrossFit Invictus
"Power Move"
For Time
24 power cleans 115/75 75/55
12 devils press 50/35 35/20
18 power cleans
9 devils press
12 power cleans
6 devils press
Warm Up https://www.instagram.com/p/CCWWfP6FvfA/
2 rounds
100m run
With a single dumbbell: 2 DB bent over rows + 2 DB snatch + 2 DB OHS each side
100m run
With dual dumbells: 4 alternating DB rows + 2 dual DB cleans + 4 alternating DB press
primer - 3 sets
2 muscle cleans
2 tall cleans
1 push jerk
1 split jerk
starting at 30% load and build to no more than 55%
5 sets every 2:00 starting at 60% and building to no more than 79%
1 power clean +1 squat clean +1 jerk
benchmark workout from CrossFit Invictus
"Power Move"
For Time
24 power cleans 115/75 75/55
12 devils press 50/35 35/20
18 power cleans
9 devils press
12 power cleans
6 devils press
"Mind Eraser"
benchmark wods from Comp Train- CrossFit New England
20:00 AMRAP
7 power cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65
7 burpees
200m run
Warm Up
2 rounds
Run 100m
single arm KB high pull x 8/side- the high pull is from the waist up, not from the floor- light weight
single arm DB muscle snatch x 8/side- moderate weight
50 feet single arm farmer carry/side - moderate weight
1. quadruped rocker on toes- knees hover x 10 reps
2. squat to a walk out plank (like an inchworm without the push up) x 8 reps
3. deep squat progression without the single arm movements x 10 reps
4. half kneeling position to a pigeon pose stretch x 8 reps/side
5. goblet squat with a 3 second pause x 10 reps
6. back squat with KB on the back with a 2 second pause x 10 reps
"Mind Eraser"
benchmark wods from Comp Train- CrossFit New England
20:00 AMRAP
7 power cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65
7 burpees
200m run