workout of the day
"Strictly Business"
10:00 AMRAP
8 strict press 95/65 75/55
8 pull ups
16 alternating pistols
At home version
"Strictly Business"
10:00 AMRAP
8 DB strict press
8 box dips
16 alternating pistols or Cossack squats
Warm Up
2 sets
6/side beast to alternating leg through https://youtu.be/EQEuNPVppO8
3 DB OHS right
2 DB windmill right
15 second goblet squat hold
6 candlestick roll ups
3 DB OHS left
2 DB windmill left
15 second goblet squat hold
thoracic rotations x 8/side
quadruped Ys x 5/side
yellow mini-band slides x 3 each side
At Home
4 sets
goblet squat eccentrics x 5 reps @53X1
half kneeling DB strict press x 8/side @2X01
4 sets
front squat x 5 reps @53X1 -light load
half kneeling barbell strict press x 4/side @2X01
Gymnastics Core/Latshttps://www.instagram.com/p/B_7YJCHAtpM/
3 rounds (rest about 90sec between sets)
A ladder:
2 scissors
2 straight arm bar raises
4 scissors
4 straight arm bar raises
6 scissors
6 straight arm bar raises
•Making sure the rib does not flair open when the barbell goes back!
•Arms stay straight
•Eyes gaze over toes (not ceiling bc that will open rib).
"Strictly Business"
10:00 AMRAP
8 strict press 95/65 75/55
8 pull ups
16 alternating pistols
At home version
"Strictly Business"
10:00 AMRAP
8 DB strict press
8 box dips
16 alternating pistols or Cossack squats
"Double Down"
100 DU, 50 sit ups, 400m run
80 DU, 40 sit ups, 400m run
60 DU, 30 sit ups, 400m run
40 DU, 20 sit ups, 400m run
20 DUs, 10 sit ups, 400m run
Warm Up
2 rounds
10 cyclist squats
4 each side perfect stretch
20 seconds table top stretch
10/side shoulder taps
25 jumping jacks
Mobility: ankles + t-spine
A. box or bench ankle stretch x 30 seconds each side
B. deep squat with a weight moving to one side to stretch the ankle for 10 seconds each time. Work through 4 sets of 10 seconds each side
C. Thread the needle x 5 each side
D. Single arm reaching x 5 each side
E. Child's pose lift offs x 5 each side
Gymnastics Conditioninghttps://www.instagram.com/p/B-hzuNoAFHB/
5 rounds:
5 dips off box (or chair)
5 hollow plank into pike into straight jump
"Double Down"
100 DU, 50 sit ups, 400m run
80 DU, 40 sit ups, 400m run
60 DU, 30 sit ups, 400m run
40 DU, 20 sit ups, 400m run
20 DUs, 10 sit ups, 400m run
sub Double unders for singles or tape a line on the ground and perform lateral line hops
sub running- box jumps or stair jumps 50-40-30-20-10 or shuttle runs 20 x 10m pace is key on a long chipper
"Home Gone Bad"
5 rounds
work for 40 seconds of each 1:00. 20 seconds to rest and transition
min 1: 40 seconds cyclist squats with or without weight
min 2: 40 seconds tall kneeling strict press
min 3: 40 seconds Russian twists
min 4: 40 seconds handstand walk or shoulder taps in a plank position or handstand hold
min 5: 40 seconds box dips
Warm Up
3 sets of
5 DB RDLs each side @ 3030
5 Cuban press with stick or light weights
5 burpee high jump
5 tuck ups or v-ups
1. Quadruped thread through pull away from the ground2. Quadruped shoulder blade movement 3. Quadruped lat stretch4. Modified pigeon with rotation
"Home Gone Bad"
5 rounds
work for 40 seconds of each 1:00. 20 seconds to rest and transition
min 1: 40 seconds cyclist squats with or without weight
min 2: 40 seconds tall kneeling strict press
min 3: 40 seconds Russian twists
min 4: 40 seconds handstand walk or shoulder taps in a plank position or handstand hold
min 5: 40 seconds box dips