workout of the day
09.17.2022 Team of 3
"High Mark"
Team of 3
3 rounds or a 30:00 time cap
60 wall balls 20/14
45 TTB or hanging knee raises
15 box get overs 48/40"
9 tire flips
45 wall balls
30 TTB
15 box get overs
9 tire flips
30 wall balls
15 TTB
15 box get overs
9 tire flips
Warm Up
Coach led outside
1. knee to chest
2. groiners
3. walking quads
4. single leg deadlift- touch the ground
5. greatest stretch alive
6. hamstring - ground scrapers
7. figure 4
8. inchworms no push up
9. sideways curtsy lunge
Mobility warm up
One round
10 Xiaopeng Circles
▪️10 IYT + other letters
▪️20 Wall Supported Dead Bugs
▪️10 Squat Pulses
▪️10 Hip Airplanes
run 200m easy
"High Mark"
Team of 3
3 rounds or a 30:00 time cap
60 wall balls 20/14
45 TTB or hanging knee raises
15 box get overs 48/40"
9 tire flips
45 wall balls
30 TTB
15 box get overs
9 tire flips
30 wall balls
15 TTB
15 box get overs
9 tire flips
08.25.2022 Member of the Month
Member of the Month
6 rounds for time
5 clean & jerk 135/95 115/75 95/65
5 front squats 135/95 115/75 95/65
4 box get overs 48/40"
4 lengths agility ladders
3 pull ups- strict if you can do them, otherwise kipping
200m run
rest 2:00
3 sets
5 Half Kneeling Bodyweight Windmill/arm
30 Tall Plank Shoulder Taps
10 empty barbell hang clean + press
30sec Bent Hollow Hold w/ Single Leg Extended (switch single leg every 5sec)
20 banded lat pull downs
5 scap pull ups
5 kip swings
15 tib raises
10 calf eccentrics
Member of the Month
6 rounds for time
5 clean & jerk 135/95 115/75 95/65
5 front squats 135/95 115/75 95/65
4 box get overs 48/40"
4 lengths agility ladders
3 pull ups- strict if you can do them, otherwise kipping
200m run
rest 2:00
"Double Stuffed"
12:00 AMRAP
Run 200m
6 box get overs 48/40"
8 thrusters 115/75 95/65 75/55
Warm Up
2 rounds
100 single unders
20 banded pull aparts
10 each side single arm Cuban Press- light plate or DB
front rack stretch x 30 seconds
IYTs each 5 reps
prone swimmers x 5 reps
A. Power Clean 60% of 1RM T&G warmup
1:30 EMOM
#1: 8 reps = 6 singles > 2 T&G
#2: 8 reps = 4 singles > 4 T&G
#3: 8 reps = 2 Singles > 6 T&G
#4: 8 reps = 8 T&G
B. 4 sets of 3 power cleans + 1 push jerk @ 75-80%
"Double Stuffed"
12:00 AMRAP
Run 200m
6 box get overs 48/40"
8 thrusters 115/75 95/65 75/55