workout of the day
"PAT" (point after touchdown)
5 sets of 3:00 AMRAPs
21/15 cals row
9 box jumps 24/20"
max power cleans in remaining time
Rest 1:30
round 1 95/65 75/55 45/35
round 2 135/95 95/65 75/55
round 3 155/105 115/75 95/65
round 4 185/135 135/95 115/75
round 5 225/155 155/105 135/95
Warm Up
Row 1:00 increase pace every 20 seconds
10 KB swings
10 scap pull ups
10 single arm ring rows
10 empty barbell hang muscle cleans
push press
3 sets of 5 reps @75%
Bulgarian split squats
3 sets of 7 reps
"PAT" (point after touchdown)
5 sets of 3:00 AMRAPs
21/15 cals row
9 box jumps 24/20"
max power cleans in remaining time
Rest 1:30
round 1 95/65 75/55 45/35
round 2 135/95 95/65 75/55
round 3 155/105 115/75 95/65
round 4 185/135 135/95 115/75
round 5 225/155 155/105 135/95
"Tight End"
3 sets
power snatch 75/55 45/35
Overhead squat 75/55 45/35
box jump 24/20"
Rest 3:00 between sets
Warm up
2:00 row or run- easy pace
30 seconds banded air squats
1:30 row or run- moderate pace
30 seconds wall slides
60 seconds row or run- moderate pace with a slight pick up
30 seconds deep squat progressions
xiaopeng circles x 5 each side each direction
Press and stretch x 5 reps https://www.instagram.com/p/CTP-hVRFmvK/
Snatch warm up- 3 reps each
1. slow OHS
2. Sots press to stand
3. behind the neck press to OHS
4. snatch extension + pull under
5. power snatch in the pockets
A. 3 sets of hang snatch + snatch + OHS @ 65% of your max snatch
B. 3 sets of snatch + OHS @ 70% of your max snatch
C. 3 sets of snatch @ 80%
"Tight End"
3 sets
power snatch 75/55 45/35
Overhead squat 75/55 45/35
box jump 24/20"
Rest 3:00 between sets
01.22.2022 Partner WOD
partner- divide and conquer- one work/one rest
20:00 AMRAP
16 burpee box jump overs
16 box jumps
16 clean & jerk 155/105
16 bar muscle ups or 20 pull ups or 20 ring rows
16 deadlifts 155/105
Warm Up
2 sets of Stuart McGill Big 3
4-6 curl ups
4-6 side plank holds for 10 seconds
4-6 bird dogs
2 rounds
5 deadlifts
5 hang muscle cleans
5 strict presses
5 box jump- step downs
5 kip swings or air chair swings
partner- divide and conquer- one work/one rest
20:00 AMRAP
16 burpee box jump overs
16 box jumps
16 clean & jerk 155/105
16 bar muscle ups or 20 pull ups or 20 ring rows
16 deadlifts 155/105
At Home- longer cardio burn
“Zachery Tellier”
For Time
10 Burpees
10 Burpees - 25 Push-Ups
10 Burpees - 25 Push-Ups - 50 Lunges
10 Burpees - 25 Push-Ups - 50 Lunges - 100 Sit-Ups
10 Burpees - 25 Push-Ups - 50 Lunges - 100 Sit-Ups - 150 Air Squats
11.11.2021 Hero WOD Zeus- with a partner
"Zeus" with a partner
3 Rounds For Time
30 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb)
30 Sumo Deadlift High-Pull (75/55 lb)
30 Box Jump (20 in)
30 Push Presses (75/55 lb)
30 calorie Row
30 Push-Ups
10 Back Squats (Bodyweight)
U.S. Army Specialist David E. Hickman, 23, of Greensboro, NC, assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 325th Airborne Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, based in Fort Bragg, NC, died on November 14, 2011, in Baghdad, Iraq, from wounds suffered when insurgents detonated an improvised explosive device near his vehicle.
He is survived by his wife Calli, parents David and Veronica, and brother Devon.
Warm Up
2 rounds
100 single unders
20 banded pull aparts
10 each side single arm Cuban Press- light plate or DB
front rack stretch x 30 seconds
IYTs each 5 reps
prone swimmers x 5 reps
Pec Activation with MB
A. Take MB at chest height and squeeze it between your forearms. Create a max contraction. Walk for 4 lengths of the gym.
* shoulders stay down
* slight hollow body
* elbows stay in as you squeeze
* think about firing the chest muscles
Bench Press
5 reps @ 60%
3 reps @ 70%
3 x 3 reps @ 80%
"Zeus" with a partner
3 Rounds For Time
30 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb)
30 Sumo Deadlift High-Pull (75/55 lb)
30 Box Jump (20 in)
30 Push Presses (75/55 lb)
30 calorie Row
30 Push-Ups
10 Back Squats (Bodyweight)
"Double Header"
5 sets:
4 Hang Power Cleans 115/85 95/65 75/55
4 Box Jump Step Down @ 30/24"
Rest 2:00
5 sets:
2 Power Clean + 2 Hang Power Cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65
4 Bar Facing Burpees
Rest 2:00
5 sets:
2 Power Cleans + 2 Squat Cleans 155/105 135/95 115/75
40 DU's or 80 singles
Warm Up
2 rounds
5/side lateral box step ups
5/side push ups to alternating pike toe touch
15 each direction banded walks
20 second side plank hold/side
Glute Focus
A. DB single leg RDLs x 10/side - lighter weight
B. prone straddle with band x max effort- use the yellow mini-band
C. banded air squat x 10 slow to fast
Upper Body Focus
A. DB or barbell bench press x 7 reps
B. DB bent over rows x 14 reps
C. Band pull aparts x 28 reps- use an orange band
Clean primer
6:00 EMOM
clean pull + hang power clean + squat clean
start at an empty bar and add load
"Double Header"
5 sets:
4 Hang Power Cleans 115/85 95/65 75/55
4 Box Jump Step Down @ 30/24"
Rest 2:00
5 sets:
2 Power Clean + 2 Hang Power Cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65
4 Bar Facing Burpees
Rest 2:00
5 sets:
2 Power Cleans + 2 Squat Cleans 155/105 135/95 115/75
40 DU's or 80 singles
Cool Down
seal pose 1:00
supine twist 1:00/side
child's pose 1:00
06.18.19 1RM squat
10min. AMRAP:
10 Box Jump (30/24″)- if comfortable or go with the usual 24/20"
30ft. Handstand Walk
10min. AMRAP:
10 Box Jump (24/20″)
:30 HS Hold
10min. AMRAP:
10 Box Step Up (20/16")
60ft. Bear Crawl
Warm up
2 rounds
300m run or row
6-8/side KB front racked drop back lunges- stand on a plate and drop one foot off plate into a lunge position
20 second hollow hold
6/side shoulder taps with a one second pause
Shoulders: parallette shoulder extensions x 10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GLMYwLE47c
Glute Activation https://www.instagram.com/p/Byb5rtcgUiB/
1️⃣ 10 single leg hip thrusts
2️⃣ 10 eccentric single leg hip thrusts (2 up/1 down)
3️⃣ 10 B-stance hip thrusts
4️⃣ 10-sec pause single leg hip thrust (at the top)
Barbell Warm Up
3 reps of each movement
good morning
back squat
behind the neck press
front squat
strict press
Back or front squat warm up reps
1×5 @~40%, 1×3 @~60%, 1×1 @~75%, 1×1 @~80%, and 1×1 @~90%.
Find a 1 RM today for front or back squat
10min. AMRAP:
10 Box Jump (30/24″)- if comfortable or go with the usual 24/20"
30ft. Handstand Walk
10min. AMRAP:
10 Box Jump (24/20″)
:30 HS Hold
10min. AMRAP:
10 Box Step Up (20/16")
60ft. Bear Crawl
01.12.19 Bring A Friend Day
Bring a Friend Day
'Hello Fitness'
partner workout
20:00 AMRAP- one work/one rest- divide reps however you like
250m row each person
15 KB swings 53/35
15 box jumps 24/20"
15 pull ups or sub ring rows or seated pull ups
15 air squats
15 push ups
15 OHS or sub front squats 95/65
Bring a Friend Day
'Hello Fitness'
partner workout
20:00 AMRAP- one work/one rest- divide reps however you like
250m row each person
15 KB swings 53/35
15 box jumps 24/20"
15 pull ups or sub ring rows or seated pull ups
15 air squats
15 push ups
15 OHS or sub front squats 95/65