workout of the day
Warm Up:Two sets of: Row x 500 Meters @ easy pace Kettlebell Swings x 15 reps Goblet Squats x 10 reps
Skill: snatch balance work on this 1. for position 2. for speed 3. for load 5 sets of 2 reps set 1- 50% set 2- 55% set 3- 60% set 4- 65% set 5- 70%
Primer: box jump practice Either use a shorter box or a stack of plates 3 sets of 4 box jumps- it's all about quality here, not quantity!
- full hip extension
- build sounds landing mechanics
- feet flat on landing
- knees neutral
- abs braced
- eyes/chest up
- pause at top position momentarily
- step off box if over 20"
12:00 EMOM
min 1: box jump overs x 10 reps
min 2: power snatch x 10 reps 75/55
Post WOD: L-sit hold 1:30 accumulate time