workout of the day
20 rounds for time
with 2 dumbbells 40/30 30/15
1 devil's press
2 thrusters
3 box step ups 24/20"
4 burpees
*only movement done without DBs is the burpee*
Warm Up
2 sets
10 cals cardio
5 sprawls- burpee, no push up
100 feet double KB overhead carry
2 sets
5 each side perfect stretch
10 barbell Kang squats
30 second handstand hold
Primer https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/17887675001361780/
one set
empty barbell RDL + row x 10 reps
silverbacks x 10 reps
barbell hip thrusts 4 x 8 reps @75% your DL max
20 rounds for time
with 2 dumbbells 40/30 30/15
1 devil's press
2 thrusters
3 box step ups 24/20"
4 burpees
*only movement done without DBs is the burpee*
Buy In: 20 ball slams
200' shuttle run (50 feet out and 50 feet back x 2)
50 box step ups- go 30/24" box or 24/20"
200' shuttle run
40 weighted sit ups- hold a DB or a plate at your chest
200' shuttle run
30 deadlifts 225/155
200' shuttle run
Cash Out : 10 tire flips
Warm Up
Run 400m
2 rounds of:
5 slow to fast air squats
30 seconds of deep squat progressions
5 sumo inchworms
2 rounds of:
5/side lateral box step ups
30 seconds/side ankle stretch on the box
10 glute bridges with heels on the box
QL walks x 16 in each direction https://www.instagram.com/p/B8KaFgxljE-/
hip hurdles x 16 each leg- one DB one the floor, lift one leg over and back while sitting up tall
cat/camels x 10
thread the needle + thoracic rotation x 5 each side
Buy In: 20 ball slams
200' shuttle run (50 feet out and 50 feet back x 2)
50 box step ups- go 30/24" box or 24/20"
200' shuttle run
40 weighted sit ups- hold a DB or a plate at your chest
200' shuttle run
30 deadlifts 225/155
200' shuttle run
Cash Out : 10 tire flips
WOD- when a workout has rest in between rounds, we should be able to push the speed on each section of the workout. Always record times for rounds- makes you try harder.
5 Rounds
12 box step ups while holding a plate to the chest 25/15#
300/250m row
2 rope climbs
Rest 1:00
*record your slowest time on the board
Warm Up
2 rounds
Bike/Row 10/8 cals
10 hip /leg swings over a low racked PVC on rig (or a band across rig works)
10 deadbugs
10 slow to fast air squats
25 feet spiderman walking lunges (greatest stretch alive)
25 feet crab walk
Mobility: https://www.instagram.com/p/BszDWN-gb0S/
1. Rocking ankle stretch 8-10 reps each side
2. Wide stance rocking 8-10 reps
3. Heel sit T- spine rotations 8-10 reps each side
4. Squat prying 15 second hold with KB then stand up x 3 sets
5. Deep squat wall slides 8-10 reps
Skill: front squat
every 2:00 for 10:00
4 reps @ 75% 1RM
WOD- when a workout has rest in between rounds, we should be able to push the speed on each section of the workout. Always record times for rounds- makes you try harder.
5 Rounds
12 box step ups while holding a plate to the chest 25/15#
300/250m row
2 rope climbs
Rest 1:00
*record your slowest time on the board
Warm Up:3:00 Row or bike
Dynamic Stretches x 2 rounds Reverse Alternating Lunge x 6 steps Alternating Cossack Lunge x 6 reps Bear Crawl x 6 reps
Banded Monster Walks x 20 reps fwd/backward Banded Lateral Walks x 20 reps each direction
Four sets of: Jump Rope x 20 seconds
Goblet squat x 20 seconds
Rest x 20 seconds
Barbell warm up: 3 reps of each clean grip RDL clean pull muscle clean front squat hang power clean squat clean
Skill: cleans
Every 90 seconds for 9:00 (6 sets)
1 clean lift off + 1 clean
start at 45-50% 1RM clean and add 10# for each round
3 Rounds- score is reps of power cleans
3:00 Work 2:00 rest
12 cal row
20 box step ups with 25/15# plate held to chest (10 steps each leg)
remaining time is max reps power cleans 155/105 125/85 95/65