workout of the day
Singled Out
For Time
50 Alternating Single Arm DB Snatch
50 AbMat Sit Ups
50 DB Box Step Ups 24/20"
50 Single Arm DB Thruster
Dumbbell Recommendations
Advanced 50/35
Intermediate 35/20
Scaled 20/10
Warm Up
2 sets
40 jumping jacks
25 feet quadruped crawl forward
25 feet quadruped crawl backward
30 second reverse plank bridge (table top)
5 scap push ups
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3 rounds for quality:
15 Turkish Sit-ups- with one plate- focus on pressing tall
10 Windmills [5 each side]- with one DB- focus on stability
15 Hollow Plank Sliders- with a scooter or on the floor no slider- focus on rigid bodylines
Strict Press 3 sets of 3 reps @80%
Singled Out
For Time
50 Alternating Single Arm DB Snatch
50 AbMat Sit Ups
50 Box Step Ups 24/20"
50 Single Arm DB Thruster
Dumbbell Recommendations
Advanced 50/35
Intermediate 35/20
Scaled 20/10