workout of the day
2023 PRIDE workout- designed by Corey
40 minute time cap
Run + TTB and burpees are to be completed together and synchro. P-R-I-D-E portion can be split amongst partners however desired.
"Rainbow Road"
1 mile run (together)
11 rounds (one round for each color of the progress flag)
P - Pull-ups (12)
R - Row (12/10 cals)
I - Isabel -half (15 snatches) (95/65)
D - Double Unders (50)
E - Echo Bike (12/10)
Cash Out
"2023 is the year"
20 TTB (synchro)
23 burpees over bar (synchro)
2023 PRIDE workout- designed by Corey
40 minute time cap
Run + TTB and burpees are to be completed together and synchro. P-R-I-D-E portion can be split amongst partners however desired.
"Rainbow Road"
1 mile run (together)
11 rounds (one round for each color of the progress flag)
P - Pull-ups (12)
R - Row (12/10 cals)
I - Isabel -half (15 snatches) (95/65)
D - Double Unders (50)
E - Echo Bike (12/10)
Cash Out
"2023 is the year"
20 TTB (synchro)
23 burpees over bar (synchro)
"Master Chief"
5 rounds
3:00 AMRAP 1:00 rest
3 power cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65
6 burpees over bar
9 HSPU or piked HSPU from a box or the floor
Warm Up
3 sets
300m row
10 KB sumo deadlifts
5/side curtsy lunges
5 inchworms + push up
Low back primer
30 seconds prone press outs- small cobra like stretches
30 seconds cat/camels
1:00 downdog to cobra
6 sets of 5 reps @ 70%
"Master Chief"
5 rounds
3:00 AMRAP 1:00 rest
3 power cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65
6 burpees over bar
9 HSPU or piked HSPU from a box or the floor
12.17.2022 Holiday Party Tonight 6:30
"Sick Joke"
Teams of 2
For Time:
Buy In: 50 Cal Machine
200 DUs or 400 SUs
150 Wall Balls 20/14
100 Ground to Overhead 115/85 95/65 75/55
75 Burpees Over Bar
50 Pull Ups
Buy Out: 50 Cal Machine
Warm Up
3:00 cardio choice
Thoracic and Squat flows
5 reps of each movement
1. yoga push ups
2. beast to alternating leg through
3. deep squat with thoracic rotations
4. prone swimmers
5. prone swimmers with alternating hands- behind the back and behind the head.
squat flow 5 reps of each movement
1. 90/90 hip switch
2. straight leg swings in the 90 position
3. deep squat with thoracic rotations
4. deep squat internal knee rotation
5. internal knee rotation + sit back on heel
Clean warm up with empty barbell
Burgener Warm up https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw1rOjbgILs/
jump and shrug
jump and shrug + high pull
jump and shrug + muscle clean
tall cleans 2",4",6" full squat
"Sick Joke"
Teams of 2
For Time:
Buy In: 50 Cal Machine
200 DUs or 400 SUs
150 Wall Balls 20/14
100 Ground to Overhead 115/85 95/65 75/55
75 Burpees Over Bar
50 Pull Ups
Buy Out: 50 Cal Machine
"Odds Are"
5 rounds for time
10 power cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65
5 burpees over the bar
3 ring or bar muscle ups/3 C2B pull ups
Warm Up
2 sets
50 single unders
5 prone swimmers
10 each side shoulder taps
15 banded high pulls
A. front rack barbell stretch x 30 seconds
B. Barbell overhead - get tight and stretch back with the bar holding for 3-5 seconds
Do this 4 times.
Flex the quads.
Squeeze the butt.
Tighten down the rib cage.
C. banded ankle stretch x 30 seconds
A. tall jerks 3 sets of 5 reps
B. jerk balance 3 set of 3 reps
C. clean & jerk x 1 rep
sets 1-3 60-75%
sets 4-6 75-85%
sets 7-8 90+%
"Odds Are"
5 rounds for time
10 power cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65
5 burpees over the bar
3 ring or bar muscle ups/3 C2B pull ups
3 Rounds ( 8 minutes per round)
2min AMRAP
3x burpees over the bar
6x CTB pull ups
9x Thrusters 95/65lbs
Rest 2 min
2min AMRAP
3x burpees over the bar
6x power snatches 95/65lbs
9x TTB
Rest 2 min and start over
4 Sets:
5 Muscle Snatch from Hip
5 Power Snatch from Above Knee
5 Power Snatch from Below Knee
5 Fabulous Burpees + 5 tight kip swings
Mobility: hips + rotator cuff with yellow mini-band only!!
Hips: https://www.instagram.com/p/BuPG8VYH2g5/ (first two in video only)
1. ISO hold- move one leg 10 reps, then switch
2. Hip flexion- 10 reps each side
Rotator Cuff:
1. ISO hold 10 seconds x 3
2. presses
3. external rotation
4. pulsing
5. external rotation overhead
4 sets
2 power snatch + 2 thrusters + 2 C2B pull ups
add load per round
3 Rounds ( 8 minutes per round)
2min AMRAP
3x burpees over the bar
6x CTB pull ups
9x Thrusters 95/65lbs
Rest 2 min
2min AMRAP
3x burpees over the bar
6x power snatches 95/65lbs
9x TTB
Rest 2 min and start over
Warm Up: Two sets of: Assault Bike x 2 minutes @ 60/50 RPM Med Ball Hamstring Curls x 15 reps Push-Ups x 15 reps Banded lat pull downs in a hollow position x 15 reps- place the band on the rig and lay on the floor so that you have no slack in your band when your arms are at a full lockout overhead. Pull band to hips while maintaining the hollow position. Air chair swings x 5 reps
Mobility Banded hip flexor stretch x :30 each side Unilateral adduction with a mini-band x 5-10 reps each side- band around the ankles- shallow squat and then kick the leg out to the side. No knee cave in. Deep squat progressions x 6-8 reps
Primer: 12:00 EMOM min 1- 3 back squats @ 65-70% min 2- "X" bar or ring muscle ups or gymnastics skill- athlete's choice *X - max reps within the :45 of the minute
WOD For Time 21 Thrusters 95/65 75/55 21 Pull ups 15 Hang squat cleans 95/62 75/55 15 Burpees over the bar 9 Squat snatch 95/65 75/55 9 TTB