workout of the day
For Time
thrusters 115/75 95/65 75/55
bar muscle ups/C2B pull ups/pull ups
Warm Up
2 rounds
300m row
5/side half kneeling KB bottom up press
5/side half kneeling KB halos
5/side tall kneeling to standing- choice to hold KB
shoulder warm up- yellow mini-band for A & B
A. shoulder driver x 30 seconds
B. wall clock x 1 rotation of the clock
C. child's pose with lat stretch x 30 seconds/side- reach arms out at 10:00 & 2:00
4 sets of 4 reps @ 70,75,80,80%
Super set- 3 times
150 feet single arm overhead carry
2-5 reps strict chin ups
For Time
thrusters 115/75 95/65 75/55
bar muscle ups/C2B pull ups/pull ups
3 rounds for time
10 front squats 185/135 155/105 115/75 95/65
15 C2B pull ups or 15 pull ups or banded pull ups
50 DUs or 100 single unders
Warm Up
2 sets
20 lateral banded walks/side
8 split stance KB swings Right
6 single arm KB hang cleans R
4 single arm KB racked squats R
2 single arm KB racked reverse lunges R
repeat movements for Left side
4/side perfect stretch walk
8/side hip flexor kicks
10 wide stance rock backs - on elbows in the frog stance for legs
3 rounds
6 reps each side
1. leg behind goblet squat https://youtu.be/XQkQEC8pWdk
2. single arm KB rack squat with no pause at the top https://youtu.be/Wqg4NY5XAkU
3. goblet kick stand pistol squat https://youtu.be/T2dZZPhY95k
4. KB curtsy squat https://youtu.be/H2Zzn5YJvOk
5. horn grip narrow stance squat https://youtu.be/sZH7bzl52es
3 rounds for time
10 front squats 185/135 155/105 115/75 95/65
15 C2B pull ups or 15 pull ups or banded pull ups
50 DUs or 100 single unders
2 rounds
800m Run
4 muscle ups- ring or bar/ 8 C2B pull ups or pull ups
10 front squats 165/115 115/75 95/65
then directly into...
2 rounds
30 abmat sit ups or GHD sit ups
20 wall balls 20/14 14/10
10 power cleans 165/115 115/75 95/65
Warm Up
2 rounds
30 feet crab walk
30 feet reverse crab walk
10 DB external rotations/arm https://youtu.be/WwyuTrmFPKY
20 straight arm lat pull downs
10 prone Y raise on floor
5 sets- build load
1 hang power clean
1 pause front squat @13X1
1 power clean or squat clean
1 front squat @20X0
rest 90-120 seconds
2 rounds
800m Run
4 muscle ups- ring or bar/ 8 C2B pull ups or pull ups
10 front squats 165/115 115/75 95/65
then directly into...
2 rounds
30 abmat sit ups or GHD sit ups
20 wall balls 20/14 14/10
10 power cleans 165/115 115/75 95/65