workout of the day
"Rating of 10"
box jumps 24/20"
3 sets
10 cal row
10 cal bike
60 seconds sandbag hold
1:00 rest
"Rating of 10"
box jumps 24/20"
"Cranked Up"
15/12 cal bike
6 C2B pull ups or pull ups
15/12 cal row
10 burpees
15 thrusters 45/35
6 pull ups or ring rows
Rest 2:00
record each round
Warm Up
2 sets
1:00 cardio
8 Cossack squats
8 sumo inchworms
10 goblet good mornings- light
5 each side single arm KB thrusters
30 second handstand hold
Lats to Fly
A. 2:00 of the 3 position arch- this is for quality, not quantity. Prone with arms and legs extended. Lift the opposite arm and leg each side then lift all limbs together. 1 rep= opposite, opposite, together
3 sets
B. 30 seconds kip swings
C. single arm banded lat pull downs x 15 each side
"Cranked Up"
15/12 cal bike
6 C2B pull ups or pull ups
15/12 cal row
10 burpees
15 thrusters 45/35
6 pull ups or ring rows
Rest 2:00
record each round
10:00 EMOM
min 1- 15/12 cal bike
min 2- 3 wall walks
Finisher- arms, hips & core isolation
2-3 sets for Quality
10 seated DB hammer curl
20 lateral banded walks each direction
30 seconds dual DB hollow hold
rest as needed between sets
Warm up
2 sets
200m cardio
10 PVC pass throughs
5 good exhales in the PVC box stretch
30 seconds each side perfect stretch
30 seconds box jump, step down
Primer: squat warm up
2 sets
empty barbell RDL + row x 10 reps
silverbacks x 10 reps
max back squat day
3 @ 50%
2 @ 65%
2 @ 75%
1 @ 85%
1 @ 90%
1 @ 100, 102, 104%
Take 90% of your recent max deadlift and that is your working max
Use your working max deadlift
60% 4 x 10 reps
60% x 10+ reps
10:00 EMOM
min 1- 15/12 cal bike
min 2- 3 wall walks
Finisher- arms, hips & core isolation
2-3 sets for Quality
10 seated DB hammer curl
20 lateral banded walks each direction
30 seconds dual DB hollow hold
rest as needed between sets
11.27.2021 Partner WOD
"Get Up"
with a partner
25 burpee box get overs 48/40"
35 cal bike
50 sit ups
25 pull ups or 20 C2B pull ups or 15 bar muscle ups
50 sit ups
35 cal bike
25 burpee box get overs 48/40"
Warm Up
3 sets
5 each side PVC over/unders each person
10 each side hip flexor kicks
5 deep squat walk outs to a plank
5 each side thoracic rotations
5 kip swings
"Get Up"
with a partner
25 burpee box get overs 48/40"
35 cal bike
50 sit ups
25 pull ups or 20 C2B pull ups or 15 bar muscle ups
50 sit ups
35 cal bike
25 burpee box get overs 48/40"
Post WOD abs
3 sets
30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest
1. Turkish sit ups- 1 or 2 DBs
2. Hollow flutter kicks
3. Tall plank forward reaches to DB
"American Kids"
20/15 cal bike
30 hang power cleans
40 anchored sit ups
30 shoulder to overhead
400m run
Warm Up
2:00 Cardio
2 sets of:
10 x push up T
10 x PVC pass thrus
30 sec. 2 arm KB hold OH- light weight
4 lengths of the gym farmer carry- moderate weight
Mobility: postural exercises
2 sets of 10 reps each
1. T-spine stretch on foam roller
2. 90 degree arm lift offs
3. Reverse snow angels
4. T's
5. Y's
Two sets of:
3 Clean Grip Romanian Deadlifts
3 Clean Pulls
3 Muscle Cleans
3 Front Squats with a 3 second hold at the bottom
3 Hang Power Cleans
"American Kids"
20/15 cal bike
30 hang power cleans
40 anchored sit ups
30 shoulder to overhead
400m run
Post WOD
5, 10, 15 , 20
push ups
KB horn curls
sit ups
Time Cap 10:00
"Lunch Box"
30 rounds for time
partner wod "I Go You Go" style
6 cal bike or 100m run
6 wall balls 20/14 or RX+ 30/20
6 DB snatch 70/50 50/35 35/20
6 TTB or hanging knee raises
Warm Up
30 seconds high knees
30 seconds butt kicks
2 sets
5/side 90/90 hip switches
10 prisoner good mornings
30 second mini- band half squat pulses- band goes above the knees
10/side RNT split squats
5/side goblet reverse lunges @2X01
3-5 eccentric pull ups
Kip cadence complex
3 sets
2 kip swings + 2 knees to chest + 2 TTB
"Lunch Box"
30 rounds for time
partner wod "I Go You Go" style
6 cal bike or 100m run
6 wall balls 20/14 or RX+ 30/20
6 DB snatch 70/50 50/35 35/20
6 TTB or hanging knee raises
"Happy Together"
every 5:00 for 20:00
18/13 cal bike or 22/17 cals row
10 bar facing burpees
10 S2OH 139/95 115/75 95/65
Warm Up
2 sets
50 single unders
prone glute leg lifts x max effort
15/side elevated single leg glute bridge/leg on parallette
10 alternating concentric only pistol squats to parallette
cross walk with light DBs x 30 seconds
banded lat pull downs with a 5 second pause at the hips x 10
bird dogs x 10/side with a 10 second pause at the last rep
4 sets/leg
use a single DB
2 Cossack lunges
2 Curtsy squats
2 Reverse lunges
all @2121/leg
between sets complete an OH carry or hold 30 seconds each side
"Happy Together"
every 5:00 for 20:00
18/13 cal bike or 22/17 cals row
10 bar facing burpees
10 S2OH 139/95 115/75 95/65
Cool down
seal pose x 1:00
supine twist x 30 seconds/side
child's pose x 1:00