workout of the day
01.14.2023 Partner WOD
"The 40s"
With a partner complete as many rounds as possible in 30 minutes
40 Calorie Row/Bike/Ski
Round 1: 40 Power Clean
Round 2: 40 Front Squat
Round 3: 40 Power Clean and Jerk
Round 4: 40 Hang Squat Clean
Round 5: 40 Squat Clean Thruster
Teams will start each round with a 40 calories on the cardio equipment of their choice.
One partner works while the other rests
Barbell Recommendations
RX 135/95
Intermediate 115/75
Scaled 95/65
Warm Up
2 sets
2:00 Cardio
10 Kang squats
5 each side perfect stretch
10 barbell strict press
5 each side walking lunges
banded front rack stretch x 30 seconds each side
deep squat plate hold x 30 seconds
cat/camels x 30 seconds
"The 40s"
With a partner complete as many rounds as possible in 30 minutes
40 Calorie Row/Bike/Ski
Round 1: 40 Power Clean
Round 2: 40 Front Squat
Round 3: 40 Power Clean and Jerk
Round 4: 40 Hang Squat Clean
Round 5: 40 Squat Clean Thruster
Teams will start each round with a 40 calories on the cardio equipment of their choice.
One partner works while the other rests
Barbell Recommendations
RX 135/95
Intermediate 115/75
Scaled 95/65
"Get Fitter"
3 sets each for time
15-12-9 cals on a machine
8-6-4 DB alternating snatch- heavy 70/50 50/35 40/25
Rest 2:00 between sets
Warm Up
2 rounds
5 yoga push ups
10 goblet squats- slow to fast up
5/side DB high pulls
5/side DB strict press
Mobility Primer
2 sets
A. 8 x banded face pull Y press- during the first portion of the movement make sure your forearms get to vertical and then press to your snatch/overhead squat grip
B. 10 x PVC lift offs- go as narrow as possible with hands while still lifting arm up until it is in line with the ears. The more narrow the grip, the harder the exercise.
C. 5 x each side calf eccentrics- on a plate, raise up with two feet and down slowly with one.
3 sets
A. Bulgarian split squats x 10 reps each side
B. DB step ups x 5 each side
*each of these should be heavier than the last time
*rest after each set
"Get Fitter"
3 sets each for time
15-12-9 cals on a machine
8-6-4 DB alternating snatch- heavy 70/50 50/35 40/25
Rest 2:00 between sets