workout of the day
thrusters 115/80 95/65 75/55
chest to bar pull ups or pull ups
Rest 2:00
thrusters 95/65 75/55 45/35
pull ups or ring rows
Barbell Warm Up 1-2 rounds
3 reps each
1. clean grip RDL
2. hang muscle cleans
3. front squats
4. push jerks
5. power clean and jerk
A. 3 sets of 1 hang clean + 1 clean + 1 jerk @ 70%
B. 6 sets of 1 clean + jerk @75-80%
C. 3 sets of 2 clean pulls @ 90-100%
thrusters 115/80 95/65 75/55
chest to bar pull ups or pull ups
Rest 2:00
thrusters 95/65 75/55 45/35
pull ups or ring rows
04.15.2023 Partner WOD
with a partner- one work, one rest
For Time
100 cal row
60 TTB or hanging knee raises
50 shoulder to overhead 135/95 115/80 95/65
40 chest to bar pull ups/ pull ups/ring rows
30 power snatch
20 bar muscle ups or chest to bar
10 thrusters
snatch warm up with empty barbell- 5 reps each
1. slow overhead squats
2. sots press to standing
3. behind the neck press to squat
4. extension to pull under
5. power snatch from the pockets
with a partner- one work, one rest
For Time
100 cal row
60 TTB or hanging knee raises
50 shoulder to overhead 135/95 115/80 95/65
40 chest to bar pull ups/ pull ups/ring rows
30 power snatch
20 bar muscle ups or chest to bar
10 thrusters
03.18.2023 Partner WOD
"Individual Medley"
Team of 2
30 rounds for time
3 bar facing burpees
3 deadlifts 225/155 185/125 135/95
Rest 3 minutes
20 rounds for time
3 chest to bar pull ups or pull ups
3 power clean & jerk 135/95 115/75 95/65
Rest 3 minutes
10 round for time
3 bar muscle ups or chest to bar pull ups or ring rows
3 power snatch 135/95 115/75 75/55
"Individual Medley"
Team of 2
30 rounds for time
3 bar facing burpees
3 deadlifts 225/155 185/125 135/95
Rest 3 minutes
20 rounds for time
3 chest to bar pull ups or pull ups
3 power clean & jerk 135/95 115/75 95/65
Rest 3 minutes
10 round for time
3 bar muscle ups or chest to bar pull ups or ring rows
3 power snatch 135/95 115/75 75/55
Happy New Year 2023!
For Time
10 deadlifts
9 power cleans
8 power snatches
27 Toes to bar - sub hanging knee raises
95/65 75/55 45/35
And then,
8 deadlifts
7 power cleans
6 power snatches
21 Pull ups - sub ring rows
115/75 95/65 65/45
And then,
6 deadlifts
5 power cleans
4 power snatches
15 Chest to bar - sub pull ups- banded
135/95 115/75 75/55
And then,
4 deadlifts
3 power cleans
2 power snatches
9 Bar muscle ups- sub strict pull ups or ring dips
155/105 135/95 95/65
Warm Up
2 sets
2:00 cardio choice
5 yoga push ups
10 hip airplanes
10 deep squat progressions
30 second deep squat hold
A. banded face pulls x 20
B. PVC Cuban press x 10
C. squat Y's x 5 each side
D. banded good mornings x 20 reps
Snatch Warm up
3 reps empty barbell or PVC
1. slow OHS
2. sots press to stand
3. behind the neck press to squat
4. extension to pull under
5. power snatch from the pockets
Happy New Year 2023!
For Time
10 deadlifts
9 power cleans
8 power snatches
27 Toes to bar - sub hanging knee raises
95/65 75/55 45/35
And then,
8 deadlifts
7 power cleans
6 power snatches
21 Pull ups - sub ring rows
115/75 95/65 65/45
And then,
6 deadlifts
5 power cleans
4 power snatches
15 Chest to bar - sub pull ups- banded
135/95 115/75 75/55
And then,
4 deadlifts
3 power cleans
2 power snatches
9 Bar muscle ups- sub strict pull ups or ring dips
155/105 135/95 95/65
12.10.2022 Partner WOD
Part One
Incredible Hulk with a partner
"You go, I go"
20:00 AMRAP
5 deadlifts
5 hang power cleans
5 front squats
5 push press
5 back squats
you complete the entire round before tagging off
Recommended Weights
115/85 95/65 75/55
Part Two
at 20:00 on the clock, partners have 5:00 to complete as many reps as possible
bar muscle ups
chest to bar pull ups
pull ups
*you pick which movement your team wants to complete. It's one work, one rest.
**record the rounds + reps for part one and the reps for part two
Warm Up
Bike/Row 3:00
3 sets
3 hang muscle cleans
3 front squats
3 push press
3 x burpee + 2 broad jumps
*start with empty bar and only go light loads thereafter
Part One
Incredible Hulk with a partner
"You go, I go"
20:00 AMRAP
5 deadlifts
5 hang power cleans
5 front squats
5 push press
5 back squats
you complete the entire round before tagging off
Recommended Weights
115/85 95/65 75/55
Part Two
at 20:00 on the clock, partners have 5:00 to complete as many reps as possible
bar muscle ups
chest to bar pull ups
pull ups
*you pick which movement your team wants to complete. It's one work, one rest.
**record the rounds + reps for part one and the reps for part two
11.12.2022 Partner WOD
with a partner- partition as desired
For Time
150 wall balls 20/14
300 DUs or 600 singles
30 ring muscle ups or 60 C2B pull ups
Warm Up
300m row
thoracic flow
60 seconds plank hold- moving in slow circles to warm up wrist/shoulders
5 scap push ups + 5 push ups
3 wall walks
4 each side single leg squats with support
Shoulder warm up
3 sets
1. DB Cuban press x 5 reps (light)
2. banded face pulls x 20 reps
3. Y-T-W prone x 6 reps each
with a partner- partition as desired
For Time
150 wall balls 20/14
300 DUs or 600 singles
30 ring muscle ups or 60 C2B pull ups
"One More Round"
30:00 EMOM
min 1- 13/10 cals bike or 11/8 cals
min 2- 3 bar facing burpees + 3 squat cleans @50-60% + 3 bar facing burpees
min 3- 3 bar muscle ups or 3 chest to bar pull ups or 3 pull ups
Warm Up
2 sets
1:00 row/bike/ski
20L/20R lateral banded walks
5 inchworms
barbell front rack squat hold 45/35#, 30 seconds
5 barbell front squats 45/35#
Mobility https://www.instagram.com/p/CdbFHUIAKJW/
A. DB windmills x 5 each side
B. DB overhead carry x 100 feet each side
C. DB supine press and roll to the side
Clean warm up
3 sets of 3 reps each- empty bar and then light load on rounds 2 & 3
1. muscle clean to front squat
2. tall clean
3. clean from the power position
"One More Round"
30:00 EMOM
min 1- 13/10 cals bike or 11/8 cals
min 2- 3 bar facing burpees + 3 squat cleans @50-60% + 3 bar facing burpees
min 3- 3 bar muscle ups or 3 chest to bar pull ups or 3 pull ups