workout of the day
"One Around"
For Time
10 man makers* check notes
20 DB deadlifts
30 alternating DB snatch
40 single arm overhead walking lunges- 20 each side
50 DB swings
Warm Up
2 rounds
10 Kang squats
5/side half kneeling strict press
10 slow to fast squat press out- once at the bottom of the squat, press out a weight from the chest
5/side single arm DB or KB swings
10 mountain climbers- slow and stretchy
20 second hollow hold
9/side bird dogs- slowly
20 second hollow hold
5/side push up T's
20 second hollow hold
16:00 EMOM
min 1- 10 glute bridge walk outs
min 2- 45 second hold of your choice
min 3- 10 narrow grip inclined push ups with a 2-3 second descend
min 4- 30 second hold of your choice
"One Around"
For Time
10 man makers* check notes
20 DB deadlifts
30 alternating DB snatch
40 single arm overhead walking lunges- 20 each side
50 DB swings
"walking dead"
12:00 AMRAP
Single side DB deadlifts x 10 right
DB death march x 10 steps each side
single side DB deadlifts x 10 left
DB hang squat cleans x 10
warm up
2 rounds
10 KB hip thrusts- on a bench or box with a KB at your hips
10 sit ups
10/side Bulgarian split squats- no weight10/side leg swings
QL walks x 10 forward and backward
goblet good mornings x 10
Cossack squats with a 3 second descend x 10 each side
Home Weightlifting
press in a clean 3 sets of 5 reps
tall cleans 3 sets of 3 reps
push press + clean grip OHS 3 sets of 3 reps of each movement
Strength Set
3 sets of
A. 8-10 inverted rows- set up two chairs with your broom or PVC between them. Getting underneath the stick, grab as wide as you can and pull yourself chest to stick. Sub inclined push ups with close grip and a 3 second descend to the bottom position
B. 20 second hold of your choice: handstand, plank, squat, side plank, single leg, hold a weight overhead.
"walking dead"
12:00 AMRAP
Single side DB deadlifts x 10 right
DB death march x 10 steps each side
single side DB deadlifts x 10 left
DB hang squat cleans x 10
4 Sets
20/15 cals bike or 30/25 cals row
*cleans- squat or power
*round one- 9 cleans 165/125
*round two- 12 cleans 135/95
*round three- 15 cleans 95/65
*round four- 18 cleans 75/55
Warm Up
2 Sets of:
all with an empty barbell
300m row/bike
5 good mornings
5 presses from behind the neck
5 muscle cleans
5 power cleans
5 tall cleans
box stretch x 5 deep breaths
dead bugs x 10/side
no hands front squat with empty bar x 10
pause squat for 3 seconds x 5
Skill: cleans
A. clean pulls x 3 reps x 3 sets
work at 60%, 65%, 70%
B. 5 sets every 2:00
3 high hang cleans
2 hang cleans
1 power clean
build load starting at 60%
4 Sets
20/15 cals bike or 30/25 cals row
*cleans- squat or power
*round one- 9 cleans 165/125
*round two- 12 cleans 135/95
*round three- 15 cleans 95/65
*round four- 18 cleans 75/55
Post WOD- if time
Core Conditioning
2 sets of:
1) 10 V-Ups
2) 10 Lateral Medball Toss against Wall (right)
3) 10 Lateral Medball Toss against Wall (Left)
4) 40sec hold of choice- handstand hold, hollow hold, L-sit, plank, squat hold...
Rest as needed
March Movement: Pull Ups
Strength Work
Option A- trying to get your first strict pull up
ring row negatives x 5 reps with a 5 second negativeDB lateral raises x 10 reps - focus on tempo- slow movement out and back, elbows not locked, no hip swinging, core and lats engaged
Option B- for those who have 3 or more strict pull ups
pull ups negativesx 3-5 reps with a 5 second descendDB pull overs x 10 reps
Pull Up Work
Option A -Complete 5 sets: 15 second active hollow hold on bar + 5 challenging ring rows with a 2 second count at the top
-Complete 5 sets: feet on the box under rig for 5 toe spot assisted strict pull ups- focus on getting the box set up where you are on your tippy toes and the bar is just under the chin. Stay in a hollow position, rib cage in, lats engaged- active position the entire movement.
Option B- 5 sets
15 second active hollow hold on rig + 5 strict pull ups
15 second active hollow hold on rig + 4 strict pull ups
continue with one less strict pull ups each round. rest as needed between rounds.