workout of the day
2 rounds
4 strict pull ups or strict hspu
8 front squats 60-70% max clean
12 sit ups
16 cal bike/16 cal row/200m run
Rest 2:00
repeat two more rounds
Warm Up
3 sets
Kneeling to tall kneeling push press x 5 each side https://www.instagram.com/p/CBvsvPgFJU3/
hand plank knee to elbow x 5 each side
KB bottoms up half kneeling windmill x 5 each side
https://www.instagram.com/p/CByouYXFlaE/ (this is a full split lunge to a windmill- just coach the windmill part of it)
Mobility: thoracic spine
1. Quadruped thread through pull away from the ground
2. Quadruped shoulder blade movement
3. Quadruped lat stretch
4. Modified pigeon with rotation
Core Set
3 rounds (rest about 90sec between sets)
•I used a 12lb bar but you can use any weight/small plates just be sure your palms face ceiling during complex so you use lats.
A ladder:
2 scissors
2 straight arm bar raises
4 scissors
4 straight arm bar raises
6 scissors
6 straight arm bar raises
•Making sure the rib does not flair open when the barbell goes back!
•Arms stay straight
•Eyes gaze over toes (not ceiling bc that will open rib).
2 rounds
4 strict pull ups or strict hspu
8 front squats 60-70% max clean
12 sit ups
16 cal bike/16 cal row/200m run
Rest 2:00
repeat two more rounds