workout of the day
"21 to Party"
warm up
3 reps@ 60%, 70%, 78%
back squat @ 83%
4,4,4,4,5 = 21 party with Harley Quinn
5,5,5,6 = 21 party with Darth Vader
7,7,7 = 21 party with Michael Myers
Warm Up
3 sets
10 each side banded lateral walks
10 each way banded monster walks
20 seconds banded squats
5 each side curtsy lunges
5 each side low Cossack squats
5 each side weighted (light) step ups
"21 to Party"
warm up
3 reps@ 60%, 70%, 78%
back squat @ 83%
4,4,4,4,5 = 21 party with Harley Quinn
5,5,5,6 = 21 party with Darth Vader
7,7,7 = 21 party with Michael Myers
Post WOD
fatigue core
3 sets
30 seconds hollow rocks
rest 20 seconds
15 DB side bends each side
15 ring body saw
rest as needed
fatigue grip
DB farmer carry 3 x 150 feet
DB suitcase carry 2 x 150 feet- switch sides at 75 feet
DB overhead carry 3 x 150 feet- this is with two dumbbells
Task Priority Fight Gone Bad
30 wall balls or at home DB front squats
30 sumo deadlift high pulls 95/65 75/55 or one DB SDLHP
30 box jumps
30 shoulder to overhead
400m run- at home 20 walking lunges each side
Warm Up
3 sets
7 barbell or DB deadlifts
7 barbell or DB hang power clean
7 barbell strict press
5- 10 push ups
20 jumping jacks
Core Set
3 sets 1. Alternating Single Leg V Ups - 12-14/side
2. Single Arm Turkish Sit Up - 6-8/arm3. Dual Leg Lift Overs - 20 lift overs/set
Task Priority Fight Gone Bad
30 wall balls or at home DB front squats
30 sumo deadlift high pulls 95/65 75/55 or one DB SDLHP
30 box jumps
30 shoulder to overhead
400m run- at home 20 walking lunges each side
Quarantined Nancy
15 weighted squats or OHS if you have a barbell
400m run
Or if you aren't in a position to run outside
For Time
75 hollow rocks
50 DB renegade rows- you can do this with a single DB and switch sides every 5 reps
Full WOD details are found on SugarWOD
Home Weightlifting
Press behind the neck 2 x 10 reps
Press in a split 2 x 10 reps
Push jerk behind the neck in a split 3 x 5 reps
Tall split jerk 3 x 5 reps
Quarantined Nancy
15 weighted squats or OHS if you have a barbell
400m run
Or if you aren't in a position to run outside
For Time
75 hollow rocks
50 DB renegade rows- you can do this with a single DB and switch sides every 5 reps
Core Conditioning
4 sets of hip drops from a side plank - 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off right side4 sets of hip drops from a side plank- 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off left side
4 sets of hollow body hold or bent knee hollow hold
20 seconds on, 10 seconds off
speed work- all done as quickly as possible for maximum rest
every 2:00 for 8 sets
5 bar facing burpees
5 Touch N Go S2OH 115/75 95/65
5 box jump overs 24/20"
Warm Up
400 Meter Light Jog into:
2 Rounds:
4 Samson Stretch Lunges (5 second hold in each)
8 Alternating Spiderman and Reach
12 Russian Baby Makers
2 sets of:
1 length of the gym quadruped crawl
1 length of the gym each direction lateral plank walks
1 length duck walk
7:00 AMRAP
8 hollow rocks
10 tuck ups or v-ups
12 rotating planks- from two hands on the floor plank to rotating to a side plank and back again. Rotate a total of 12 times (6 each side)
14 supermans
speed work- all done as quickly as possible for maximum rest
every 2:00 for 8 sets
5 bar facing burpees
5 Touch N Go S2OH 115/75 95/65
5 box jump overs 24/20"