workout of the day
"Jump Ball"
11:00 AMRAP
10 wall balls 20/14
5 box jumps 24/20"
1,2,3,4... burpee pull ups
keep adding reps of burpee pull ups until time expires
3 sets
A. barbell hip thrusts x 15 reps @50% DL max
B. Cossack squats x 8/side- add weight if you can
C. contralateral suitcase box step downs x 8/side
"Jump Ball"
11:00 AMRAP
10 wall balls 20/14
5 box jumps 24/20"
1,2,3,4... burpee pull ups
keep adding reps of burpee pull ups until time expires
"The Great Pumpkin"
Every 3:00 for 5 sets
21/16 cals row
12 sandbag squats 150/100/70/50
9 kipping handstand push ups
Warm up
300m row
banded monster walks x 30 seconds each direction
banded lateral walks x 30 seconds each direction
600m row easy to increasing pace every 200m
banded squats x 30 seconds
Mobility flow https://www.instagram.com/p/CkLnXhqAO-e/
move through with a 20 second hold on each
1. straight leg forward fold to feet together squat
2. toe roll ups
3. sumo squat hold at the bottom
4. v-sit with a lean forward of the chest and arms
5. frog pose with a lift of the lower leg- alternating sides
6. half kneeling Samson stretch each side
7. half kneeling straight leg stretch and roll the ankle in all directions
8. half kneeling grab the back leg and hold or just stretch in a half kneeling position
9. internal knee rotations without a barbell on back (video)
barbell hip thrusts
3 x 15 reps @50% deadlift max
Super set
3 rounds
A. Cossack squats with weight x 6 each side
B. lateral DB step ups with weight x 6 each side
"The Great Pumpkin"
Every 3:00 for 5 sets
21/16 cals row
12 sandbag squats 150/100/70/50
9 kipping handstand push ups
"Shot in the Dark"
10 rounds for time
4 bar facing burpees
3 hang squat clean
2 front squat
1 thruster
RX 135/95 INT 115/75 SC 95/65
Warm Up
6:00 continuous work
10 scap push ups
10 prone shoulder Y raises
10 DB Z-press
row 1:00
Working on form
30 seconds each side banded ankle stretch
then...Super Set
3 x 10 plate squats
3 x 6 each side Cossack squats
Clean Warm Up
3-5 reps of each exercise
clean grip RDL
clean extension
clean high pull
tall clean
push press
"Shot in the Dark"
10 rounds for time
4 bar facing burpees
3 hang squat clean
2 front squat
1 thruster
RX 135/95 INT 115/75 SC 95/65
"Double Trouble"
For Time
*lifts can be power or squat*
15 snatch @40% 1 RM
30 cleans @ the same weight as your snatch
20 Cossack squats @ 30x1
10 snatch @ 50% 1 RM
20 cleans @ the same weight as your snatch
20 Cossack squats @ 30x1
5 snatch @ 55-60% 1RM
10 cleans @ same weight as your snatch
20 Cossack squats @ 30x1
At home
16 alternating DB snatch
30 hang power cleans
20 Cossack squats
10 alternating DB snatch
20 hang power cleans
20 Cossack squats
6 alternating DB snatch
12 hang power cleans
20 Cossack squats
Warm Up
3 Sets
20 Frog Pump + 20sec Isometric Contraction at top of last rep
8-10 Goblet Curtsy Step Down/leg (box height below knee)
-rest as needed-
snatch balance + OHS 3 sets of 3 + 3
tall snatch high pull + tall muscle snatch 3 sets of 3 + 2
snatch 3 sets of 3 reps building load - or at home 3 x 3 reps slow motion snatch
"Double Trouble"
For Time
*lifts can be power or squat*
15 snatch @40% 1 RM
30 cleans @ the same weight as your snatch
20 Cossack squats @ 30x1
10 snatch @ 50% 1 RM
20 cleans @ the same weight as your snatch
20 Cossack squats @ 30x1
5 snatch @ 55-60% 1RM
10 cleans @ same weight as your snatch
20 Cossack squats @ 30x1
At home
16 alternating DB snatch
30 hang power cleans
20 Cossack squats
10 alternating DB snatch
20 hang power cleans
20 Cossack squats
6 alternating DB snatch
12 hang power cleans
20 Cossack squats