workout of the day
"Half Bad"
6 rounds
2:00 AMRAP 1:00 Rest
pick up where you left off
2 hang squat cleans
4 front squats
6 thrusters
8 burpees
**barbell 95/65 or one or two DBs
Warm Up
2 rounds
14 steps shuffle each direction
5 each side perfect stretch walk
5 inchworms + push up
10 deep squat progressions
A. child's pose x 30 seconds
B. child's pose with arm lift offs x 8/side
C. t-spine rotations x 8/side
D. table top hold x 30 seconds
"Half Bad"
6 rounds
2:00 AMRAP 1:00 Rest
pick up where you left off
2 hang squat cleans
4 front squats
6 thrusters
8 burpees
**barbell 95/65 or one or two DBs
Core Finisher
4 rounds:
15 seconds star plank hold per side
30 seconds rest