workout of the day
For Time
200m row, 21 front squats
200m row, 21 push press
200m row, 15 front squats
200m row, 15 push press
200m row, 9 front squats
200m row, 9 push press
barbell RX- 115/80
scaled- 95/65
Warm Up
2 rounds
9/6 cals row or bike
10 x slower down, faster up tempo air squats
10 x thoracic rotations each side https://vimeo.com/232531289
10 x nerve flossing https://vimeo.com/127208120
Mobility: shoulders- tight???
1️⃣Foam roll lats x 60 seconds per side
2️⃣Straight arm bench extensions x 8
3️⃣Deep squat on wall pullovers x 8
4️⃣Angled barbell press to overhead glide x 8
**angled barbell should be put in a corner of a squat rack**
Wrist stretches https://www.instagram.com/p/BmL8lWMHc4Q/
20sec at each
1. “Elbow Pit” rotation w. fingers forward
2. Side to Side rock with fingers facing out
3. Back & Forth rock with fingers facing knees
4. Reverse Palm rock front to back
Skill: press
DB strict press- single arm- you can hold one DB in the rack position and press the other. Each set is total reps listed. Build load if you like. In between sets of presses, complete 10 sit ups and 10 banded pull aparts.
WOD- the weight today is very manageable to keep these sets unbroken. Try not to use the row as a recover. It's only 200 meters. Push past the uncomfortable feeling there and take a few breaths before picking up the barbell.
For Time
200m row, 21 front squats
200m row, 21 push press
200m row, 15 front squats
200m row, 15 push press
200m row, 9 front squats
200m row, 9 push press
barbell RX- 115/80
scaled- 95/65
Warm Up400m run/row/bike 2 easy rounds of:
Banded Monster Walks x 10 reps fwd/bck Banded Lateral Walks x 10 reps each direction Jumping Air Squats x 10 reps then... Shoulder opener circuit: light dumbbells or 2.5# plates 2 easy rounds of:
5 reps bicep curls palms facing up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5HVq5ZGAK0&index=26& 5 curls thumbs up in the neutral grip- shoulders pushed down and lats tight 5 overhead lateral raises- palms up with straight arms 5 overhead lateral raises- thumbs up
6:00 EMOM min 1: reverse dips on box x 10 reps (dip with hands on the front edge of the box either with bent knees or straight legs min 2: incline push-ups on 30" box x 15 reps
min 3: hand plank shoulder taps x 30 reps
Skill: push press warm up 5 reps empty bar, 5 reps @ 40%, 5 reps @ 50%, and 3 reps @ 60% and 3 @ 65%
2 sets of 6 reps @ 70%
WOD 4 Rounds- not timed- athlete picks weight that is moderately heavy 60 DUs or 120 singles 8 each side single arm suitcase deadlifts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSAhSuPEfPU 5 DB strict press 20m dual DB cross carry- one arm locked out overhead, other arm at side farmer carry 45 sec elbow plank