workout of the day
12 DB deadlifts 50/35 35/20
9 DB hang cleans
6 DB thrusters
45 second plank hold- option to hold on low rings
Warm Up
400m run
then 3 rounds
5 banded chops each side (video #2 on here)
DB complex starting in a plank position: row right side + push up + row left side + push up, 2 x power clean, 3 x single arm push press/side (add load each round)
Hollow body flutter kicks x 10
3 rounds:
A. hip thrusts x 12 reps at a lighter load for good positioning.
The goal with this exercise is to get the posterior chain (glutes, hamstrings) to extend the hip, not the lower back. Get the ribs down to establish neutral core positioning.
B. Turkish sit ups x 10 reps- hold KB in each hand - extended overhead the entire sit up
C. ISO hold of your choosing x 30 seconds
12 DB deadlifts 50/35 35/20
9 DB hang power cleans
6 DB thrusters
45 second plank hold- option to hold on low rings
Warm Up3 sets of
2 Turkish get ups each side 15m bear crawl 10 alternating single leg cone taps
banded warm up- 1. The first works external rotation strength and stability in an exercise called “The W.” Hold for 5-10” in the outermost position. 5 reps for :05 hold
2. Next perform a band pull apart keeping your elbows straight and squeezing your shoulder blades together as your arms move out to the side. 10 reps 3. Diagonal pulls in each direction should follow before moving to shoulder circles. This is a classic mobility move with an added stability twist due to the tension from the band. 10 reps each side 4. Shoulder circles. 10 reps
Snatch Warm Up: empty bar
5 Good Mornings 5 Back Squats 5 Behind the Neck Strict Presses 5 Stiff-Legged Deadlifts 5 Hang Muscle Snatches 5 Overhead Squats
with an empty bar or light load:
3 reps muscle snatch 3 reps behind the neck press 3 reps tall snatch
Skill: Snatch Waves- squat snatch ( 12:00 EMOM)
Min 1: 3 reps @ 68% Min 2: 2 reps @ 72% Min 3: 1 rep @ 76% Min 4: rest Min 5: 3 reps @ 72% Min 6: 2 reps @ 76% Min 7: 1 rep @ 80% Min 8: rest Mins 9-11: 2 reps @ 80-84%
Primer: bar muscle up drill This drill can be a progression for athlete to use during the wod.
WOD 15-12-9
DB thrusters 50/35 35/20 7-4-3 Bar muscles up/ progression used today/ C2B pull ups
Warm Up400 Meter Light Jog into: 2 Rounds: 4 Samson Stretch Lunges (5 second hold in each) 8 Alternating Spiderman and Reach 12 Russian Baby Makers
Two sets of: Dumbbell suitcase RNT split squat x10 reps each side Dumbbell single leg RDL x 8 reps each side Inchworm Walk + Scap Push-Up + Press Up x 5 reps
WOD Every 3:00 for 15:00 complete 2 strict hspu from the box or on the wall 8 box jumps 24/20" 10 DB thrusters 50/35 35/20
If time remains: POST WOD 3 rounds not timed- athlete chooses load on sled (103# sled) Sled drag forward - to the fence Sled pull backwards- from the fence to the start line
Warm UpBike 12/10 cals 5 spiderman lunges + reach Russian baby makers x 10 reps Bear walk x 2 lengths of the gym- hide the ears with the arms and walk in a straddle position on the toes- straight legs and arms if you can. (like handstand walking in a pike) Crab walk 1 length of the gym both forward and backward 10 slow air squats to full depth- ass to the floor
Mobility: partner lat stretch- one person lays face down on the floor with their triceps and elbows flat on the ground and their hands behind the neck. Elbows should be really close to the head. Other person stands over their partner and takes their thumbs and puts them into the crease in the shoulder and rotates hands around the shoulder. Now you can press down on our partner to get a lat/tricep stretch. As you press focus on one side and then the other and then back to the center. wrist stretches x :30 each position deep squat progressions x 6-8 reps
Primer: 6 reps of jump to split -stand tall with the feet under the hips -bend slightly at the knees only and drive up in a slight jump -keeping your trunk upright, move quickly into the split position to land with equal balance between the feet -adjust the position and balance if needed and hold for 3 seconds 2 sets of 3 reps jerk balance- empty barbell and then light weight -begin with feet in a partial split position and the bar in the jerk rack position -dip straight down and drive straight back up -as the bar leaves the shoulders, keep the back foot planted and lift eh front foot to step out into the full split length -keep trunk upright and land in the full split length with equal balance between the feet
Skill: Jerks Every 90 seconds for 9:00 (6 sets) Power jerk + Split jerk @ 65-70% pause :02-:03 in the receiving position of the split jerk
WOD For Time 800m Row 20 DB thrusters 50/35 35/20 20 Box jumps 24/20" 20 DB thrusters 50/35 35/20