workout of the day
13:00 AMRAP
DB snatch right side x 10 50/35 35/20
deadlift x 8 225/155 185/125 135/95
DB snatch left side x 10
pull ups x 8 or ring rows
Warm Up
2 rounds
tall kneeling to sitting back on heels with goblet x 10 reps
staggered stance RDL with a pause at the bottom x 5/side
bird dogs- slowly x 5/side
glute bridges- slowly x 10
run 100m
3 sets
A. dimmels x 10-15 reps @ 35-50% conventional deadlift weight- for explosiveness!
B. seated box jumps x 6-8 reps
The Dimmel Deadlift is essentially the top 2/3 of a regular conventional deadlift with a few key differences. It’s done explosively for 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps. Lift the bar off the floor like a normal deadlift using a double-overhand grip.Lower it to just below your knees ( feel a stretch in the hams and glutes) Raise it again Start slower, then pick up speed with your reps
13:00 AMRAP
DB snatch right side x 10 50/35 35/20
deadlift x 8 225/155 185/125 135/95
DB snatch left side x 10
pull ups x 8 or ring rows
"Face Off"
Every 4:00 for 6 rounds
5 deadlifts 225/155 185/125 135/95
10 DB box step ups
100m run
50m DB suitcase carry- switch hands at the pylons
Warm up
2 rounds:
run 100m
Split stance Romanian deadlift x 8-10 reps @ 3011 (Left Leg)
Split stance Romanian deadlifts x 8-10 reps @ 3011 (Right Leg)
single arm DB high pulls x 8 reps/side
25 feet perfect stretch walk (4-5 each side)
10 x KB behind the back good mornings
10 x KB Jefferson curls
Strength Set
3 sets
A. 10 x dimmels @ 30X1
B. 8-10/side x half kneeling DB strict press @ 20X1
C. 5 x walk out/back in pike position from a box
"Face Off"
Every 4:00 for 6 rounds
5 deadlifts 225/155 185/125 135/95
10 DB box step ups
100m run
50m DB suitcase carry- switch hands at the pylons
Every 4:00 for 4 rounds (16:00)
bike cals 15/12
KB or DB power cleans x 10 35/25 25/20
tire flips x 4
Warm Up
3 sets of:
100m run
10/side half kneeling pallof press
10 bent knee hollow hold with DB lateral raises https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx46pSPlRw8/ (2nd to last in video)
10/side staggered stance deadlifts with an empty bar
Mobility: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx46pSPlRw8/
10 cat/camel stretches
10 tall plank spinal flexion/extensions
10/side tall plank side bend with rotation
Skill: deadlift- dimmels
3 sets of 8-10 reps at 60-65% 1RM conventional deadlift https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXF-ADj6Jos
between sets of dimmels complete 10 bent over barbell or dumbbell rows
Every 4:00 for 4 rounds (16:00)
bike cals 15/12
KB or DB power cleans x 10 35/25 25/20
tire flips x 4
Every 5:00 for 25:00, complete
400m Run
2 rounds of:
3-5 strict pull ups
10 KB swings 32/24 kg
15 air squats
Warm Up
2 rounds:
10 Dual Kettlebell Turkish Sit Ups
5 Dual Kettlebell Z Press (same load as sit ups) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BV4tDzo-5s&mc_cid=6e45a40315&mc_eid=c612bae79b
5 strict pull ups
20m Kettlebell Cross Body Carry per arm- one KB overhead, one KB at the side
Mobility: hamstring gains! https://www.instagram.com/p/BuoXC0Mh-ks/
1. Slow tempo staggered RDL x 6-8/side
2. Long lever single leg glute bridge x 8-12 reps with a 2 second hold
3. Glute bridges and hamstring curls with feet on a med ball x 5-8 reps/side each exercise
Skill: Dimmels https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXF-ADj6Jos
3 sets of 8 reps @ 65-70% 1RM deadlift
Every 5:00 for 25:00, complete
400m Run
2 rounds of:
3-5 strict pull ups
10 KB swings 32/24 kg
15 air squats
05.10.18 Deads and Dimmels
Warm Up 400m run or row
2 Rounds: 4 Samson Stretch Lunges (5 second hold in each) 8 Alternating Spiderman and Reach 12 Russian Baby Makers
Lateral Box Walk Overs ×(Dumbells loaded at your sides) 10-12 Reps; Box height is such that your leg is not quite at 90 degrees; rest 30sec x 3 sets
Primer: hip flow https://www.instagram.com/p/Bh7BCJ4BraN/?taken-by=marcusfilly
Skill: Deadlift and Dimmels Deadlift 5 sets of 2 reps set 1-2 @ 80-85% set 3-4 @ 85% set 5 @ 85-90% then.. Dimmels 3 sets of 8 reps @60-70% 1RM deadlift
WOD 5:00 EMOM 5 box jumps + 5 supinated grip barbell rows- athlete picks weight
then.. not timed 2-3 sets depending on remaining time in class barbell roll outs x 12-15 reps rest 60 seconds L-sit taps x 40 seconds (:20 each leg) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-yRmxjn_8A&feature=youtu.be rest 60 seconds
Warm Up400m row or bike 2 lengths spiderman lunges + reach 1 length bear walk 1 length crab walk
then... 2 sets - 8reps each pike push ups from a box or floor get ups glute bridges with feet on a box RDL single leg with KB
Banded hamstring floss x :30 each side Frog pose x 1:00 Banded good mornings x 20 reps Air chair swings x 5 reps
Skill: Four sets of: 3 Deadlifts to the knee + Deadlift + 3 Dimmelshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFXKOHRNJVE Rest as needed Build in weight. Start at 55-60% 1 RM DL
Snatch Warm Up Perform 5 reps of the following with an empty bar snatch grip RDLs snatch high pulls muscle snatch OHS snatch grip push press snatch balance hang power snatch snatch below knees
12-9-6 hang squat snatch or scale to hang power snatch 125/85 115/75 95/65
6-4-2 bar muscle up or scale to C2B pull ups/ ring rows