workout of the day
11.25.2023 Partner WOD
Split Reps Evenly With A Partner..
100 Double Unders or 200 single unders
40 Overhead Squats 95/65. 75/55
30 Bar Facing Burpees
20 C2B pull ups or pull ups
10 Wall Walks
Split Reps Evenly With A Partner..
100 Double Unders or 200 single unders
40 Overhead Squats 95/65. 75/55
30 Bar Facing Burpees
20 C2B pull ups or pull ups
10 Wall Walks
08.26.2023 Partner WOD
with a partner- 40:00 time cap
3 Rounds of:
100 Double Unders
50 Deadlifts 135|95 115/75 75/55
25 Burpees
2:00 Rest
20 Bar Muscle Ups
40 Thrusters 135|95 115/75 75/55
60|50 Cal Row
Split Any Way
2:00 Rest
5-4-3-2-1 Wall Walks
15-12-9-6-3 Power Cleans 135|95 115/75 75/55
"you go, I go" each person completes a full round ie. 5 WW + 15 PC then person B completes 4 WW + 12 cleans
with a partner- 40:00 time cap
3 Rounds of:
100 Double Unders
50 Deadlifts 135|95 115/75 75/55
25 Burpees
2:00 Rest
20 Bar Muscle Ups
40 Thrusters 135|95 115/75 75/55
60|50 Cal Row
Split Any Way
2:00 Rest
5-4-3-2-1 Wall Walks
15-12-9-6-3 Power Cleans 135|95 115/75 75/55
"you go, I go" each person completes a full round ie. 5 WW + 15 PC then person B completes 4 WW + 12 cleans
08.19.2023 Partner wod
"Money for Nothing, and Your Doubles for Free"
with a partner
7 round for time
10 synchro power cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65
12 each TTB or hanging knee raises
10 synchro burpee over bar
24 DUs each or single unders each
6:00 EMOM
min 1- 5 power cleans- building load
min2- 30 seconds of double under practice
"Money for Nothing, and Your Doubles for Free"
with a partner
7 round for time
10 synchro power cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65
12 each TTB or hanging knee raises
10 synchro burpee over bar
24 DUs each or single unders each
Maximum Cleaning Power
Every 3 Minutes for 9 Minutes
20/16 Calorie Row
60 Double Unders
Maximum Rep Power Clean and Jerk
Score is total clean and jerk reps from all 3 rounds
Barbell Recommendations
Advanced 155/105
Intermediate 135/95
Fitness 95/65
No rest between rounds
1:1 Single Under:Double Under
A. 4 sets of 3-position clean + 1 split jerk
(hang clean, hang clean below the knee, floor)@ 70-75%
B. 3 sets of power clean + clean + jerk @78-82%
Maximum Cleaning Power
Every 3 Minutes for 9 Minutes
20/16 Calorie Row
60 Double Unders
Maximum Rep Power Clean and Jerk
Score is total clean and jerk reps from all 3 rounds
Barbell Recommendations
Advanced 155/105
Intermediate 135/95
Fitness 95/65
No rest between rounds
1:1 Single Under:Double Under
2023 PRIDE workout- designed by Corey
40 minute time cap
Run + TTB and burpees are to be completed together and synchro. P-R-I-D-E portion can be split amongst partners however desired.
"Rainbow Road"
1 mile run (together)
11 rounds (one round for each color of the progress flag)
P - Pull-ups (12)
R - Row (12/10 cals)
I - Isabel -half (15 snatches) (95/65)
D - Double Unders (50)
E - Echo Bike (12/10)
Cash Out
"2023 is the year"
20 TTB (synchro)
23 burpees over bar (synchro)
2023 PRIDE workout- designed by Corey
40 minute time cap
Run + TTB and burpees are to be completed together and synchro. P-R-I-D-E portion can be split amongst partners however desired.
"Rainbow Road"
1 mile run (together)
11 rounds (one round for each color of the progress flag)
P - Pull-ups (12)
R - Row (12/10 cals)
I - Isabel -half (15 snatches) (95/65)
D - Double Unders (50)
E - Echo Bike (12/10)
Cash Out
"2023 is the year"
20 TTB (synchro)
23 burpees over bar (synchro)
04.24.2023 Member of the Month
Member of the Month Emily
12:00 AMRAP
20 Double unders
4 heavy DB snatch- this weight should be heavier than our usual 50/35 35/20
6 C2B pull ups
8 Burpee box jump overs 24/20"
Mobility-overhead and shoulder
A. DB windmills x 8/side
B. Supine press and roll to the side x 8/side
C. banded internal/external rotations x 20 each side
D. DB external rotation x 15 reps each side
E. DB Powell raise- on floor x 15 reps each side
F. Prone Y raises x 15 reps
Wendler week 3 cycle 2
Strict Press
5 reps @ 75%
3 reps @ 85%
1+ rep @ 95%
Member of the Month Emily
12:00 AMRAP
20 Double unders
4 heavy DB snatch- this weight should be heavier than our usual 50/35 35/20
6 C2B pull ups
8 Burpee box jump overs 24/20"
03.04.2023 OPen 23.3
Open 23.3
Starting with a 6-minute time cap,
complete as many reps as possible of:
5 wall walks
50 double-unders
15 snatches (weight 1)
5 wall walks
50 double-unders
12 snatches (weight 2)
*If completed before the 6-minute time
cap, add 3 minutes to the time cap and
20 strict handstand push-ups
50 double-unders
9 snatches (weight 3)
*If completed before the 9-minute time
cap, add 3 minutes to the time cap and
20 strict handstand push-ups
50 double-unders
6 snatches (weight 4)
♀65 lb, 95 lb, 125 lb, 155 lb
♂95 lb, 135 lb, 185 lb, 225 lb