workout of the day
10.09.2023. Partner WOD
"Row My Boat!"
with a partner switching by round
20 rounds for max calories
50 seconds work, 10 seconds transition
A. snatch sots press
3 sets of 3 reps- keep light
B. drop snatch
3 sets of 3 reps- keep light for speed
C. power snatch x 1.1 (perform one rep, rest 10 seconds and then perform a second rep)
set 1-2 @60%
set 3-4 @ 65%
set 5-6 @ 70%
"Row My Boat!"
with a partner switching by round
20 rounds for max calories
50 seconds work, 10 seconds transition
"Second and Three"
Every 3:00 for 5 sets
Run 200m
handstand walk x 25 feet or scooter walk x 50 feet
snatch x 3 reps @ 70% you can do power or squat
EMOM x 6
min 1- 5 sotts press
min 2- 5 drop snatch
Take 6:00 to build to squat or power snatch at 70-75%
"Second and Three"
Every 3:00 for 5 sets
Run 200m
handstand walk x 25 feet or scooter walk x 50 feet
snatch x 3 reps @ 70% you can do power or squat
"UP Down"
For Time
power snatch 95/65 75/55 45/35
box jumps 24/20"
A. drop snatch
3 sets of 3 reps
B. snatch balance
3 sets of 2 reps
C. snatch lift off + snatch
6 sets @ 65-70%
build based on quality
"UP Down"
For Time
power snatch 95/65 75/55 45/35
box jumps 24/20"
"Power Ball"
7:00 AMRAP
15 DUs
10 walking lunges- 5/side
5 power snatch @55-65%
Rest 2:00
7:00 AMRAP
4 bent over rows- use the same weight as snatch
8 wall balls
12 sit ups
Warm up
3 sets
8 drop lunge to knee lift/side
10 single leg glute bridges/side + 15 second glute bridge hold
5 deep squat progression + walkout to a push up
shoulders: 5 each side- light weight https://www.instagram.com/p/B58iPFdBw9t/body saw x 10 reps
deep squat progressions x 5 reps
pigeon pose x 30 seconds each side
Strength Set
press in the receiving position x 2 reps for 3 sets
drop snatch x 2 reps for 3 sets
5:00 EMOM
2 reps hang squat snatch @ 60-70%
"Power Ball"
7:00 AMRAP
15 DUs
10 walking lunges- 5/side
5 power snatch @55-65%
Rest 2:00
7:00 AMRAP
4 bent over rows- use the same weight as snatch
8 wall balls
12 sit ups
04.21.2020 Super Set Day!
Super Set Three - HIIT workout
5 rounds of 30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest (20:00)
1. criss cross squats- "criss cross" your feet as you hop up between each squat
2. single leg deadlift to hop- perform a single leg deadlift and drive up explosively
3. froggers- jump back in with feet wide and knees pushed out
4. speed skaters- land softly and sit your hips back as you tap the floor
Warm up
60 seconds jumping jack
then 2 rounds30 seconds flutter kicks in the hollow
10/side- side lying hip thrust
5/side single leg RDL
5/side half kneeling DB press
Home Weightlifting
A. power snatch + snatch from the power position 4 sets of 3 (1+1)
B. drop snatch + OHS 4 sets of 3 + 3
Super Set One
2 rounds
8 reps/side -single leg hip thrusts- DB on the working hip
10 reps/side -touchdown squats
8 reps/side -reverse lunge to single leg deadlift- non working leg back and up with weight on the non-working leg side
Super Set Two
2 rounds - do all reps unbroken
20 DB wrist curls
15 DB bicep curls (both arms at the same time if you have two DBs- otherwise 15 each side)
10 DB seated strict press (both together if you can- otherwise 10 each side)
Super Set Three - HIIT workout
5 rounds of 30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest (20:00)
1. criss cross squats- "criss cross" your feet as you hop up between each squat
2. single leg deadlift to hop- perform a single leg deadlift and drive up explosively
3. froggers- jump back in with feet wide and knees pushed out
4. speed skaters- land softly and sit your hips back as you tap the floor
4 squat snatch 135/95 115/75 95/65
15 cal row
4 thrusters 135/95 115/75 95/65
10 pull ups or 4 bar muscle ups
Warm Up
2 rounds
10 walking lunges each side
10 DB muscle snatch each side
10 DB OH single side walking lunges each side
10 DB weighted sit ups- use the DB OH to allow for a swing into the sit up
5 deep squat progressions
20 double unders or single unders
5 air chair swings or 15 second hollow hold on rig
5 thoracic rotations
Mobility: shoulders https://www.instagram.com/p/B8UUjRynjdL/
[1] Alternating Bottoms Up KB Press'⠀x 5/side
[2] KB Arm Bars (spice it up by going bottoms up)⠀x 30 second hold
[3] Half Kneeling KB Windmills⠀x 10/side
Introduce the kipping drill: https://www.instagram.com/p/B68rVIalifZ/
A. Banded beat swings- helpful tactile cue for athletes to demonstrate the arch and hollow position for kipping
B. Toe assisted kipping- allows athletes to feel the positions and timing of the arch and hollow during the pull up with support and slower timing.
Practice these during rest time for snatches. If you are doing bar muscle ups, practice the air chair swing.
Skill: snatch
A. drop snatch x 3 reps for 3 sets @ 40-55% https://youtu.be/EQrcCmgraa8
B. floating snatch deadlift x 3 reps for 4 sets @ 80-90% https://youtu.be/cmPVxOPxgwQ
C. 5:00 EMOM squat snatch x 1 rep @ wod weight
4 squat snatch 135/95 115/75 95/65
15 cal row
4 thrusters 135/95 115/75 95/65
10 pull ups or 4 bar muscle ups
March Monthly Challenge
Strict pull ups/Kip pull ups
Week One:
Option One: be able to hold the hollow position on the rig for 30 seconds. Feet in front with heels together. Rib cage tucked. Full grip on the rig with thumbs around. Then be able to hold the chin over the bar position for 30 seconds.
Option Two: solid hollow and arch foundation on the rig. Practice getting into the hollow position from neutral 10 times. Then do the same for the arch position 10 times. Lastly, complete 20 good reps of tight hollow/arch swings.